MAJESTIC 12 - Documents:

By William Cooper

Before Majestic 12

During the years following World War II the Government of the United States was confronted with a series of events which were to change beyond prediction its future and with it the future of humanity. These events were so incredible that they defied belief. A stunned President Truman and his top military Commanders found themselves virtually impotent after having just won the most devastating and costly war in history. The United States had developed, used, and was the only nation on earth in possession of the Atomic Bomb which alone had the potential to destroy any enemy, and even the Earth itself. At that time the United States had the best economy, the most advanced technology, the highest standard of living, exerted the most influence, and fielded the largest and most powerful military forces in history.

We can only imagine the confusion and concern when the informed elite of the United States Government discovered that an alien spacecraft piloted by insect like beings from a totally incomprehensible culture had crashed in the desert of New Mexico.

Between January 1947 and December 1952 at least 16 crashed or downed alien craft, 65 alien bodies, and 1 live alien were recovered. An additional alien craft had exploded and nothing was recovered from that incident. Of these incidents, 13 occurred within the borders of the United States not including the craft which disintegrated in the air. Of these 13, 1 was in Arizona, 11 were in New Mexico, and 1 was in Nevada. Three occured in foreign countries. Of those 1 was in Norway, and the last 2 were in Mexico. Sightings of UFO's were so numerous that serious investigation and debunking of each report became impossible utilizing the existing intelligence assets.

Alien-Earth Presence

An alien craft was found on February 13, 1948 on a mesa near Aztec, New Mexico. Another craft was located on March 25, 1948 in Hart Canyon near Aztec, New Mexico. It was 100 feet in diameter. A total of 17 alien bodies were recovered from those two craft. Of even greater significance was the discovery of a large number of human body parts stored within both of these vehicles. A demon had reared its ugly head and paranoia quickly took hold of everyone then "in the know." The secret lid immediately became an Above Top Secret lid and was screwed down tight. The security blanket was even tighter than that imposed upon the Manhattan Project. In the coming years these events were to become the most closely guarded secrets in the history of the world.

A special group of America's top scientists were organized and a program under the name Project Sign was created in December of 1947 to study the phenomenon. The whole nasty business was contained within the shroud of secrecy. Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge in December of 1948. A low level collection and disinformation project named Blue Book was formed under Grudge. 16 volumes were to come out of Grudge including the controversial "Grudge 13" which I and Bill English saw, read, and revealed to the public. "Blue Teams" were put together to recover the crashed disks and dead or alive aliens. The Blue Teams were later to evolve into Alpha Teams under Project Pounce [and Project Pluto -- ab].

During these early years the United States Air Force and the CIA exercised complete control over the Alien Secret. In fact the CIA was formed by Presidential Executive Order first as the Central Intelligence Group for the express purpose of dealing with the alien presence. Later the National Security Act (NSA) was established to oversee the intelligence community and especially the alien endeavor. A series of National Security Council memos and Executive Orders removed the CIA from the sole task of gathering foreign intelligence and slowly but thoroughly "legalized" direct action in the form of covert activities at home and abroad.

Intelligence Gathering

On December 9, 1947, Truman approved issuance of NSC-4, entitled "Coordination of Foreign Intelligence Information Measures" at the urging of Secretaries Marshall, Forrestal, Patterson, and the director of the State Department's Policy Planning Staff, Kennan.

The Foreign and Military Intelligence, Book 1, "Final Report of the Select Committee to Study Governmental operations with respect to Intelligence Activities." United States Senate, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Report No. 94-755, April 26, 1976, page 49 states: "This directive enpowered the secretary of state to coordinate overseas information activities designed to counter communism. A top secret annex to NSC-4, NSC-4A, instructed the director of Central Intelligence to undertake covert psychological activities in pursuit of the aims set forth in NSC-4. The initial authority given the CIA for covert operations under NSC-4A did not establish formal procedures for either coordinating or approving these operations. It simply directed the DCI to "undertake covert actions and ensure, through liaison with State and Defense, that the resulting operations were consistent with American policy."

Later NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 were to supersede NSC-4 and NSC-4A and expand the covert abilities even further. The Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) was chartered to carry out an expanded program of covert activities. NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 validated illegal and extra-legal practices and procedures as being agreeable to the national security leadership. The reaction was swift. In the eyes of the intelligence community "no holes were barred". Under NSC-10/1 an Executive Coordination Group, was established to review, but not approve, covert project proposals. The CG was secretly tasked to coordinate the alien projects. NSC-10/1 and NSC-10/2 were interpreted to mean that no one at the top wanted to know about anything until it was over and successful. these actions established a buffer between the President and the information. It was intended that this buffer serve as a means for the President to deny knowledge if leaks divulged the true state of affairs.

This buffer was used in later years for the purpose of effectively isolating succeeding Presidents from the knowledge of the alien presence other than what the Secret Government and the intelligence community wanted them to know. NSC-10/2 established a study panel which met secretly and was made up of scientific minds of the day. The study panel was NOT called MJ-12. Another NSC memo, NSC-10/5 further outlined the duties of the study panel. These NSC memos and secret Executive Orders set the stage for the creation of MJ-12 only 4 years later.

First Victim of the Cover-up

Secretary of defense James Forrestal began to object to the secrecy. He was a very idealistic and religious man who believed that the public should be told. When he began to talk to leaders of the opposition party and leaders of congress about the alien problem he was asked to resign by Truman. He expressed his fears to many people and rightfully believed that he was being watched. This was interpreted by those who were ignorant of the facts as paranoia. Forrestal later was said to have suffered a mental breakdown and was admitted to Bethesda Naval Hospital. In fact it was feared that Forrestal would begin to talk again and he had to be isolated and discredited. Sometime in the early morning of May 22, 1949 agents of the CIA tied a sheet around his neck, fastened the other end to a fixture in his room and threw James Forrestal out the window. The sheet tore and he plummeted to his death. He became one of the first victims of the cover-up.


The live alien that had been taken from the 1947 Roswell crash was named EBE. The name had been suggested by Dr. Vannever Bush and was short for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity. EBE had a tendency to lie and for over a year would give only the desired answer to questions asked. Those questions which would have resulted in an undesirable answer went unanswered. At some point during the second year of captivity he began to open up and the information derived from EBE was startling, to say the least. This compilation of his revelations became the foundation of what would later be called the "Yellow Book". Photographs were taken of EBE which, among others, I and Bill English were to view years later in GRUDGE 13. In late 1951 EBE became ill. Medical personnel had been unable to determine the cause of EBE's illness and had no background from which to draw. EBE's system was chlorophyll based and he processed food into energy much the same as plants. Waste material was excreted the same as plants. It was decided that an expert on botany was called for. A botanist, Dr. Guillermo Mendoza, was brought in to try and help him recover. Dr. Mendoza worked to save EBE until mid-1952 when EBE died. Dr. Mendoza became an expert on alien biology.

In a futile attempt to save EBE and to gain favor with this technologically superior alien race the United States began broadcasting a call for help early in 1952 into the vast regions of space. The call went unanswered but the project continued as an effort of good faith.

Creation of the NSA

President Truman created the super secret National Security Agency by secret Executive Order on November 4,1952. Its primary purpose was to decipher the alien communications and language and establish a dialogue with the aliens. This most urgent task was a continuation of the earlier effort and was code named SIGMA. The secondary purpose of the NSA was to monitor all communications and emissions from any and all devices worldwide for the purpose of gathering intelligence, both human and alien, and to contain the secret of the alien presence. Project SIGMA was successful. The NSA also maintains communications with the Luna base and other secret space programs. By Executive Order the NSA is exempt from all laws which do not specifically name the NSA in the text of the law as being subject to that law. That means that if the agency is not spelled out in the text of any and every law passed by the Congress it is not subject to that or those laws. The NSA now performs many other duties and in fact is the premiere agency whithin the intelligence community. Today NSA receives 75% of the moneys allotted to the intelligence community. The old saying "where the money goes therein the power resides" is true. The DCI today is a figurehead maintained as a public ruse. The primary task of the NSA is still alien communications but now includes other Alien projects as well.

President Truman had been keeping our allies, including the Soviet Union, informed of the developing alien problem since the Roswell recovery. This had been done in case the aliens turned out to be a threat to the human race. Plans were formulated to defend the Earth in case of invasion. Great difficulty was encountered in maintaining international secrecy. It was decided that an outside group was necessary to coordinate and control international efforts in order to hide the secret from the normal scrutiny of governments by the press. The result was the formation of a secret society known as the "Bilderburgers". The headquarters of this group is in Geneva, Switzerland. The Bilderburgers evolved into a secret world government that now controls everything. The United Nations was then, and is now, an international joke.

A New President

In 1953 a new man occupied the White House. He was a man used to a structured staff organization with a chain of command. His method was to delegate authority and rule by committee. He made major decisions but only when his advisors were unable to come to consensus. His normal method was to read through or listen to several alternatives and then approve one. Those who worked closely with him have stated that his favorite comment was, "just do whatever it takes". He spent a lot of time on the golf course. This was not all unusual for a man who had been career Army with the ultimate position of Supreme Allied Commander during the war. A post which carried 5 stars along with it. This president was General of the Army Dwight David Eisenhower.

During his first year in office, 1953, at least 10 more alien crashed disks were recovered along with 26 dead and 4 live aliens. Of the 10, 4 were found in Arizona, 2 in Texas, 1 in New Mexico, 1 in Louisiana, 1 in Montana, and 1 in South Africa. There were hundreds of sightings.

Eisenhower knew that he had to wrestle and beat the alien problem. He knew that he could not do it be revealing the secret to the Congress. Early in 1953 the new president turned to his friend and fellow member of the Council on Foreign relations, Nelson Rockefeller for help with the alien problem. Eisenhower and Rockefeller began planning the secret structure of alien task supervision which was to become a reality within one year. The idea for MJ-12 was thus born. It was Nelson's Uncle Winthrop Aldrich who had been crucial in convincing Eisenhower to run for President. The whole Rockefeller family and with them the Rockefeller empire had solidly backed Ike. Asking Rockefeller for help with the alien problem was to be the biggest mistake Eisenhower ever made for the future of the United States and most probably all of humanity.

Within 1 week of Eisenhower's election he had appointed Nelson Rockefeller chairman of a Presidential Advisory Committee on Government Organization. Rockefeller was responsible for planning the reorganization of the government. New Deal programs went into 1 single cabinet position called the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. When the Congress approved the new cabinet position in April of 1953, Nelson was named to the post of Undersecretary to Oveta Culp Hobby.

Heading For Earth

In 1953 astronomers discovered large objects in space which were moving towards Earth. It was first believed that they were asteroids. Later evidence proved that the objects could only be spaceships. Project Sigma intercepted alien radio communication. When the objects reached the Earth they took up a very high orbit around the equator. There were several huge ships, and their actual intent was unknown. Project Sigma, and a new project, Plato, through radio communications using the computer binary language, was able to arrange a landing that resulted in face to face contact with alien beings from another planet. Project Plato was tasked with establishing diplomatic relations with this alien race of space aliens.

In the meantime a race of human-looking aliens contacted the U.S. Government. This alien group warned us against the aliens that were orbiting the Equator and offered to help us with our spiritual development. They demanded that we dismantle and destroy our nuclear weapons as the major condition. They refused to exchange technology citing that we were spiritually unable to handle the technology which we then possessed. They believed that we would use any new technology to destroy each other. This race stated that we were on a path of self-destruction and we must stop killing each other, stop polluting the earth, stop raping the Earth's natural resources, and learn to live in harmony. These terms were met with extreme suspicion especially the major condition of nuclear disarmament. It was believed that meeting that condition would leave us helpless in the face of an obvious alien threat. We also had nothing in history to help with the decision. Nuclear disarmament was not considered to be within the best interest of the United States. The overtures were rejected.

Later in 1954 the race of large nosed gray aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force base. A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we call Betelgeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would'nt be able to survive there. This led to a second landing at Edwards Air Force base. The historical event had been planned in advance and details of the treaty had been agreed upon. Eisenhower arranged to be in Palm Springs on vacation. On the appointed day the President was spirited away to the base and the excuse was given to the press that he was visiting a dentist.

Formal Treaty Signed

President Eisenhower met with the aliens and a formal treaty between the Alien Nation and the United States of America was signed. We then received our first Alien Ambassador from outer space. His name and title was his "Omnipotent Highness Krlll", pronounced Krill. In the American tradition of disdain for royal titles, he was secretly called "Original Hostage Krlll". You should know that the alien flag is known as the "Trilateral Insignia". It is displayed on their craft and worn on their uniforms. Both of these landings and the second meeting were filmed. The films exist today.

The Treaty stated: The aliens would not interfere in our affairs and we would not interfere in theirs. We would keep their presence on earth a secret. They would furnish us with advanced technology and would help us in our technological development. They would not make any treaty with any other earth nation. They could abduct humans on a limited and periodic basis for the purpose of medical examination and monitoring of our development with the stipulation that the humans would not be harmed, would be returned to their point of abduction, that the humans would have no memory of the event, and that the alien nation would furnish MJ-12 a list of all human contacts and abductees on a regularly scheduled basis. It was agreed that each nation would recieve the Ambassador of the other for as long as the treaty remained in force. It was further agreed that the Alien Nation and the United States would exchange 16 personnel each to the other with the purpose of learning, each of the other.

Underground Bases

The Alien "Guests" would remain on earth and the "human guests" would travel to the Alien point of origin for a specified period of time then return, at which point a reverse exchange would be made. It was also agreed that bases would be constructed underground for the use of the Alien nation and that 2 bases would be constructed for the joint use the the Alien nation and the United States Government. Exchange of technology would take place in the jointly occupied bases. These alien bases would be constructed under Indian reservations in the 4 corners area of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado, and 1 would be constructed in Nevada in the area known as S-4 located approximately 7 miles south of the western border of Area 51. All alien bases are under complete control of the Department of Naval Intelligence and all personel who work in these complexes receive their checks from the Navy. Construction of the bases began immediately but progress was slow until large amounts of money were made available in 1957. Work continued on the "Yellow Book".

Area 51 and S-4

Project REDLIGHT was formed and experimentation in test flying alien aircraft was begun in earnest. A super top-secret facility was built at Groom Lake in Nevada in the midst of the weapons test range. It was code named DREAMLAND. The installation was placed under the Department of the Navy and clearance of all personnel required "Q" clearance as well as Executive (Presidential) approval. This is ironic due to the fact that the President of the United States does not have clearance to visit the site. The alien base and exchange of technology actually took place in an area known as S-4. Area S-4 was code named "The Dark Side of the Moon".

The Army was tasked to form a super secret organization to furnish security for all alien tasked projects. This organization became the National Reconnaissance Organization based at Fort Carson, Colorado. The specific teams trained to secure the projects were called DELTA.

A second project code named SNOWBIRD was promulgated to explain away any sightings of the REDLIGHT crafts as being Air Force experiments. The SNOWBIRD crafts were manufactured using conventional technology and were flown for the press on several occasions. Project SNOWBIRD was also used to debunk legitimate public sightings of alien craft (UFO's). Project SNOWBIRD was very successful and reports from the public decline steadily until recent years.

Secret Funding

A multi-million dollar secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White House. This fund was used to build over 75 deep underground facilities. Presidents who asked were told the fund was used to build deep underground shelters for the President in case of war. Only a few were built for the President. Millions of dollars were funneled through this office to MJ-12 and then out to the contractors and was used to build top-secret alien bases as well as top-secret DUMB (Deep Underground Military Bases), and facilities promulgated by "Alternative 2", throughout the nation. President Johnson used this fund to build a movie theatre and pave the road on his ranch. He had no idea of its purpose.

The secret White House Underground Construction fund was set up in 1957 by President Eisenhower. The funding was obtained from Congress under the guise of "construction and maintenance of secret sites where the President could be taken in case of military attack: Presidential Emergency Sites". The sites are literally holes in the ground, deep enough to withstand a nuclear blast and are outfitted with state of the art communications equipment. To date there are more than seventy five sites spread around the country which were built using money from this fund. The Atomic Energy Commission has built at least an additional 22 underground sites.

The location and everything to do with these sites were and are considered and treated as top-secret. The money was and is in control of the Military Office of the White House, and was and is laundered through a circuitous web that even the most knowledgeable spy or accountant can not follow. As of 1980 only a few at the beginning and end of this web knew what the money was for. At the beginning were Representative George Mahon, of Texas, and the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee and of its Defense Subcommittee: and Representative Robert Sikes, of Florida, chairman of the House Appropriations Military Construction Subcommittee. Today it is rumored that House Speaker Jim Wright controls the money in Congress and that a power struggle is underway to remove him. At the end of the line were the President, MJ-12, the director of the Military Office and a commander at the Washington Navy Yard.

The money was authorized by the Appropriation Committee who allocated it to the Department of Defense as a top-secret item in the army construction program. The Army, however, could not spend it and in fact did not even know what it was for. Authorization to spend the money was in reality given to the Navy. The money was channeled to the Chesapeake Division of the Navy Engineers who did not know what it was for either. Not even the Commanding Officer, who was an Admiral, knew what the fund was to be used for. Only one man, a Navy Commander, who was assigned to the Chesapeake Division but in reality was responsible only to the Military Office of the White House knew of the actual purpose, amount, and ultimate destination of the top-secret fund. The total secrecy surrounding the fund meant that almost every trace of it could be made to disappear by the very few people who controlled it. There has never been and most likely never will be an audit of this secret money.

Large amounts of money were transferred from the top-secret fund to a location at Palm Beach, Florida that belongs to the Coast Guard called Peanut Island. The island is adjacent to property which was onwed by Joseph Kennedy. The money was said to have been used for landscaping and general beautification. Some time ago a TV news special on the Kennedy assassination told of a Coast Guard Officer transferring money in a briefcase to a Kennedy employee across this property line. Could this have been a secret payment to the Kennedy family for the loss of their son John F. Kennedy? The payments continued through the year 1967 and then stopped. The total amount transferred is unknown and the actual use of the money is unknown.

Meanwhile, Nelson Rockefeller changed positions again. This time he was to take C.D. Jackson's old position which had been called the Special Assistant for Psychological Strategy. With Nelson's appointment the name was changed to the Special Assistant for Cold War Strategy. This position would evolve over the years into the same position Henry Kissinger was ultimately to hold under President Nixon. Officially he was to give "Advice and assistance in development of increased understanding and cooperation among all peoples". The official description was a smoke screen for security he was the Presidential Coordinator for the Intelligence Community. In his new post, Rockefeller reported directly, and only, to the President. He attended meetings of the Cabinet, the Council on Foreign Economic Policy, and the National Security Council which was the highest policy-making body in the government.

Nelson Rockefeller was also given a second important job as the head of a secret unit called the Planning Coordination Group which was formed under NSC 5412/1 in March of 1955. The group consisted of different ad hoc members depending on the subject of the agenda. The basic members were Rockefeller, a representative of the Dept. of State, and the Director of Central Intelligence. It was soon called the "3412 Committee" of the "Special Group". NSC 5412/1 established the rule that covert operations were subject to approval by an executive committee, whereas in the past these operations were initiated solely on the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence.

Founding of MJ-12

By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5410, Eisenhower had preceded NSC 5412/1 in 1954 to establish a permanent committee (not ad hoc) to be known as Majority Twelve (MJ-12) to oversee and conduct all covert activities concerned with the alien question. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose of these meetings when Congress and the Press became curious. Majority Twelve was made up of Nelson Rockefeller, the director of the CIA Allen Welsh Dulles, the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the Secretary of Defense Charles E.Wilson, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the Director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover, and six men from the executive committee of the Council on Foreign Relations known as the "Wise Men". These men were all members of a secret society of scholars that called themselves "The Jason Society", or "The Jason Scholars" who recruited their members from the "Skull and Bones" and the "Scroll and Key" societies of Harvard and Yale.

The "Wise Men" were key members of the Council on Foreign Relations. There were 12 members including the first 6 from Government positions thus Majority Twelve. This group was made up over the years of the top officers and directors of the Council on Foreign Relations and later the Trilateral Commission. Gordan Dean, George Bush, and Zbigniew Brzezinski were among them. The most important and influential of the "Wise Men" who served on MJ-12 were Jogn McCloy, Robert Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlen, George Kennan, and Dean Acheson. It is significant that President Eisenhower as well as the first 6 MJ-12 members from the Government were also members of the Council on Foreign Relations.Thorough researchers will soon discover that not all of the "Wise Men" attended Harvard or Yale and not all of them were chosen for "Skull and Bones" or "Scroll and Key" membership during their college years. You will be able to quickly clear up this mystery by obtaining the book "The Wise Men" by Walter Issacson and Even Thomas, Simon and Schuster, New York. Under illustration #9 in the center of the book you will find the caption "Lovett with the Yale Unit, above far right, and on the beach his initiation into Skull and Bones came at an air base near Dunkirk". I have found that members were chosen on an ongoing basis by invitation based upon merit post college and was not confined to only Harvard or Yale attendees.

A chosen few were later initiated into the Jason Society. They are all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and at that time were known as the "Eastern Establishment". This should give you a clue to the far reaching and serious nature of these most secret college societies. The Jason Society is alive and well today but now includes members of the Trilateral Commission as well. The Trilateralists existed secretly several years BEFORE 1973. The name of the Trilateral Commission was taken from the alien flag known as the "Trilateral Insignia".

Majority Twelve was to survive right up to the present day. Under Eisenhower and Kennedy it was erroneously called the "8412 Committee" or more correctly, the "Special Group". in the Johnson administration it became the "303 Committee" because the name 5412 had been compromised in the book "The Secret Government" actually NSC 5412/1 was leaked to the author to hide existence of NSC 5410. Under Nixon, Ford, and Carter it was called the "40 Committee", and under Reagan, it became the "PI-40 Committee". Over all those years only the name changed.

Deception and Mutilations

By 1955 it became obvious the aliens had deceived Eisenhower and had broken the treaty. Mutilated humans were being found along with mutilated animals all across the United States. It was suspected that the aliens were not submitting a complete list of human contacts and abductees to MJ-12 and it was suspected that not all abductees had been returned. The Soviet Union was suspected of interacting with them and this proved to be true. It was learned that the aliens had been and were then manipulating masses of people through secret societies, witchcraft, magic, the occult, and religion. After several Air Force combat air engagements with alien craft it also became apparent that our weapons were no match against them.

In November 1955, NSC 5412/2 was issued establishing a study committee to explore "All factors which are involved in making and implementing of foreign policy in the nuclear age." This was only a blanket of snow that covered the real subject of study, the alien question.

The Study Group

By secret Executive Memorandum, NSC 5411 in 1954, President Eisenhower had commissioned the study group to "examine all the facts, evidence, lies, and deception and discover the truth of the alien question. NSC5412/2 was only a cover that had become necessary when the press began inquiring as to the purpose of regular meetings of such important men. The first meetings began at Quantico Marine Base. The study group was made up of 35 members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Secret scholars known as "The Jason Society" of the "Jason Scholars". Dr. Edward Teller was invited to participate, Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski was the study director for the first 18 months. Dr. Henry Kissinger was chosen as the group's study director for the second 18 months. Nelson Rockefeller was a frequent visitor during the study.

Gordon Dean, Chairman
Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Study Director - 1st phase
Dr. Henry Kissinger, Study Director - 2nd phase
Dr. Edward TellerMaj. Gen. Richard C. Lindsay
Hanson W. BaldwinLloyd V. Berkner
Frank C.NashPaul H. Nitze
Charles P. NoyesFrank Pace, Jr.
James A. PerkinsDon K. Price
David RockefellerOscar M. Ruebhausen
Lt. Gen. James M. GavinCaryl P. Haskins
James T. Hill, Jr.Joseph E. Johnson
Mervin J. KellyFrank Altschul
Hamilton Fish ArmstrongMaj.Gen.James McCormack,Jr.
Robert R. BowieMcGeorge Bundy
William A.M. BurdenJohn C. Campbell
Thomas K. FinletterGeorge S. Franklin, Jr.
I. I. RabiRoswell L. Gilpatrio
N. E. HalabyGen. Walter Bedell Smith
Henry DeWolf SmythShields Warren
Carroll L. WilsonArnold Wolfers

The second phase meetings were also held at the Marine Base at Quantico Virginia and the group became known as Quantico II. Nelson Rockefeller built a retreat somewhere in Maryland which could only be reached by air for MJ-12 and the study committee so that they could meet away from public scrutiny. This secret meeting place is known by the code name "The Country Club". Complete living, eating, recreation, library, and meeting facilities exist at the location.

The study group was "publicly" closed in the later months of 1958 and Henry Kissinger published what was officially termed the results in 1957 as "Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy" by Henry A. Kissinger, published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Brothers, New York. In truth the manuscript had already been 80% written while Kissinger was at Harvard. The study group continued veiled in secrecy. A clue to the seriousness Kissinger attached to the study can be found in statements by his wife and friends. Many of them stated that Henry would leave home early each morning and return late each night without speaking to anyone or responding to anyone. It seemed as if he were in another world which held no room for anyone else.

These statements are very revealing. The revelations of the alien presence and actions during the study must have been a great shock. Henry Kissinger was definitely out of character during time surrounding these meetings. He would never again be affected in this manner no matter the seriousness of any subsequent event. On many occasions he would work very late into the night after having already put in a full day. This behavior eventually led to divorce.

A major finding of the alien study was that the public could not be told as it was believed that this would most certainly lead to economic collapse, collapse of the religious structure, and national panic which would lead into anarchy. Secrecy thus continued. An offshoot of this finding was that if the public could not be told then the Congress could not be told, thus funding for the projects and research would have to come from outside the government. In the meantime money was to be obtained from the military budget and from CIA confidential non-appropriated funds.

Genetic Experimentation

Another major finding was the aliens were using humans and animals for a source of glandular secretions, enzymes, hormonal secretions, blood and in horrible genetic experiments. The aliens explained these actions as necessary to their survival. They stated that their genetic structure had deteriorated and that they were no longer able to reproduce. They stated that if they were unable to improve their genetic structure their race would soon cease to exist. We looked upon their explanations with extreme suspicion. Since our weapons were literally useless against the aliens, MJ-12 decided to continue friendly diplomatic relations with them until such time as we were able to develop a technology which would enable us to challenge them on a military basis. Overtures would have to be made to the Soviet Union, and other nations, to join forces for the survival of humanity. In the meantime plans were developed to research and construct 2 weapons systems using conventional and nuclear technology which would hopefully bring us to parity.

The results of the research were Projects JOSHUA and EXCALIBUR. Joshua was a weapon captured from the Germans which at that time was capable of shattering 4" thick armor plate at a range of two miles using low frequency sound waves, and it was believed that this weapon would be effective against the alien craft and beam weapons. Excalibur was a weapon carried by missile not to exceed 30,000 feet AGL, not to deviate from designated target more than 50 meters, would penetrate 1,000 meters of tufa hard packed soil such as that found in New Mexico, would carry a one megaton warhead, and was intended for use in destroying the aliens in their underground bases. Joshua was developed successfully but never used to my knowledge. Excalibur was not pushed until recent years and now there is an unprecedented effort to develop this weapon.

The events at Fatima in the early part of the century were scrutinized. On suspicion that it was alien manipulation, an intelligence operation was put into motion to penetrate the secrecy surrounding the event. The United States utilized its Vatican moles that had been recruited and nurtured during WWII and soon obtained the entire Vatican study which included the prophecy. This prophecy stated that if man did not turn from evil and place himself at the feet of Christ the planet would self-destruct and the events described in the book of Revelations would indeed come to pass. It stated that a child would be born who would unite the world with a plan for world peace and a false religion beginning in 1992. By 1995 the people would descern that he was evil and was indeed the Anti-Christ. World War III would begin in the Middle East in 1995 with an invasion of Israel by a United Arab nation using conventional weapons which would culminate in a nuclear holocaust in the year 1999. Between 1999 and 2003 most of the life on this planet would suffer horribly and die as a result. The return of Christ would occur in the year 2011.

When the aliens were confronted with this finding they confirmed that it was true. The aliens explained that they had created us through hybridization and had manipulated the human race through religion, satanism, witchcraft, magic, and the occult. They further explained that they were capable of time travel and the events would indeed come to pass. Later exploitation of alien technology by the United States and the Soviet Union utilizing time travel confirmed the prophecy. The aliens showed a hologram which they claimed was the actual crucifixion of Christ, which the government filmed. We did not know whether to believe them or not. Were they using GENUINE religions to manipulate us, or were they indeed the source of our religions with which they had been manipulating us all along? Or was this the beginning of the genuine END TIMES and the RETURN OF CHRIST which had been predicted in the Bible? No one knew the answer.

A symposium was held in 1957 which was attended by some of the greatest scientific minds then living. They reached the conclusion that by or shortly after the year 2,000 the planet WOULD self destruct due to increased population and man's exploitation of the environment WITHOUT ANY HELP FROM GOD OR THE ALIENS.

Alternatives 1, 2, and 3

By secret Executive Order of President Eisenhower, the Jason Scholars were ordered to study this scenario and make recommendations called "Alternatives 1, 2, and 3". "Alternative 1" was to use nuclear devices to blast holes in the Stratosphere from which the heat and pollution would escape into space. Change the human cultures from that of exploitation into cultures of environmental protection. Of the three this was decided to be the least likely to succeed due the inherent nature of man and the additional damage the nuclear explosions would themselves create. "Alternative 2" was to build a vast network of underground cities and tunnels in which a select representation of all cultures and occupations would survive and carry on the human race.The rest of humanity would be left to fend for themselves on the surface of the planet. "Alternative 3" was to exploit the alien and conventional technology in order for a select few to leave the earth and establish colonies in outer space. I am not able to confirm nor deny the existence of "Batch Consignments" of human slaves which would be used for the manual labor in the effort as part of the plan. The Moon, code named "Adam", would be the object of primary interest followed by the planet Mars, code named "Eve". As a delaying action, ALL THREE ALTERNATIVES included birth control, sterilization, and the introduction of deadly microbes to control or slow the growth of the Earth's population. AIDS is only ONE result of these plans. There are others. It was decided since the population must be reduced and controlled that it would be in the best interest of the human race to rid ourselves of the undesirable elements of our society. The joint U.S. & Soviet leadership dismissed "Alternative 1" but ordered work to begin on "Alternative 2 and 3" virtually at the same time.

In 1959 the Rand Corporation hosted a Deep Underground Construction Symposium. In the Symposium report, machines are pictured and described which could bore a tunnel 45 feet in diameter at the rate of 5 feet per hour. It also displays pictures of huge tunnels and underground vaults containing what appear to be complex facilities and possibly even cities. It appears that the previous 5 years of all out underground construction had made significant progress by that time.

The ruling powers decided that one means of funding the alien connected and other black market projects was to corner the illegal drug market. A young ambitious member of the Council on Foreign Relations was approached. His name is George Bush who at the time was president and C.E.O. of Zapata Oil based in Texas. Zapata Oil was experimenting with the new technology of offshore drilling. It was correctly thought that the drugs could be shipped from South America to the offshore platforms by fishing boat where it would then be taken to shore by the normal transportation used for supplies and personnel. By this method, no customs or law enforcement agency would subject the cargo to search. George Bush agreed to help and organized the operation in conjunction with the CIA. The plan worked better than anyone had thought and has since expanded worldwide and there are now many other methods of bringing the illegal drugs into the country. It must always be remembered though that George Bush began sale of drugs to our children. The CIA now controls all the world's illegal drug markets.

The REAL Space Program

The "Official" space program was boosted by President Kennedy in his inaugural address when he mandated that the United States put a man on the moon before the end of the decade. Although innocent in its conception this mandate enabled those in charge to funnel vast amounts of money into black projects and conceal the REAL space program from the American people. A similar program in the Soviet Union served the same purpose. In fact a joint alien, United States, and Soviet Union base already existed on the moon at the very moment Kennedy spoke the words. On May 22, 1962 a space probe landed on Mars and confirmed the existence of an environment which could support life. Not long afterward the construction of a colony on the planet Mars began in earnest. Today cities exist on Mars populated by specifically selected people from different cultures and occupations taken from all over the Earth. A public charade of antagonism between the Soviet Union and the United States has been maintained over all these years in order to fund projects in the name of National Defense when in fact we are the closest allies.

Kennedy Assassination

At some point President Kennedy discovered portions of the truth concerning the drugs and the aliens. He issued an ultimatum in 1963 to MJ-12. President Kennedy assured them that if they didn't clean up the drug problem he would. He informed MJ-12 that he intended to reveal the presence of aliens to the American people within the following year and ordered a plan developed to implement his decision. President Kennedy was not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and know nothing of "Alternative 2" or "Alternative 3". Internationally the operations were supervised by MJ-12 and in the Soviet Union by its sister organization. President Kennedy's decision struck fear into the hearts of those in charge. His assissination was ordered by the Policy Committee and the order was carried out by agents of MJ-12 in Dallas.

President John F. Kennedy was murdered by the Secret Service Agent who drove his car in the motorcade and the act is plainly visible in the film. WATCH THE DRIVER AND NOT KENNEDY WHEN YOU VIEW THE FILM. ALL of the witnesses who were close enough to the car to see William Greer shoot Kennedy were themselves all murdered within the next two years of the event. The Warren Commission was a farce and Council on Foreign Relations members made up the majority of its panel. They succeeded in snowing the American people. Many other patriots who attempted to reveal the alien secret have also been murdered throughout the intervening years.

During the era of the United States initial space exploration and the Moon landings every launch was accompanied by alien craft. A Moon base dubbed Luna was sighted and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. Domes, spires, tall round structures which look like silos, huge "T" shaped mining vehicles which left stitch-like tracks in the lunar surface, and extremely large as well as small alien craft appear in the photographs. It is a joint United States, Russian and Alien base. The Space Program is a farce and unbelievable waste of money. Alternative 3 is a reality and is not at all science fiction. Most of the Apollo Astronauts were severely shaken by this experience and their lives and subsequent statements reflect the depth of the revelation and the effect of the muzzle order which followed. They were ordered to remain silent or suffer extreme penalty, DEATH, which was termed an "expediency". One astronaut actually did talk to the British producers of the TV expose "Alternative 3" confirming many of the allegations.

In the book "Alternative 003" the pseudonym "Bob Grodin" was used in place of the astronaut's identity. It was also stated that he committed suicide in 1978. This cannot be validated by any source and I believe that several so-called facts in the book are disinformation. I firmly believe that this disinformation is a result of pressure put upon authors and is meant to nullify the effect upon the populace of the British TV expose entitled "Alternative 3". The headquarters of the international conspiracy is in Geneva, Switzerland. The ruling body is made up of Representatives of the Governments involved as well as the Executive members of the group known as the "Bilderburgers". Meetings are held by the "Policy Committee" when necessary on a Nuclear Submarine beneath the Polar Ice Cap. The secrecy is such that this was the only method which would ensure that the meetings would not be bugged. I can say that the book is at least 70% true from my own knowledge and the knowledge of my sources. I believe that the disinformation was an attempt to compromise the British TV expose with information which could be proven false, just as the "Eisenhower Briefing Document" was released here in the U.S. under the contingency plan "Majestic Twelve", and which can also be proven false.

Alien Spacecraft

Since our interaction with the aliens began we have come into possession of technology beyond our wildest dreams. A craft named Aurora exists at Area 51 which makes regular trips into space. It is a one stage ship called a TAV (transatmospheric vehicle) and it can take off from the ground using a 7 mile runway, go into high orbit, return on its own power, and land on the same runway. We currently have and fly atomic powered alien type craft at Area S-4 in Nevada. Our pilots have made interplanetary voyages in these craft and have been to the Moon, Mars, and other planets aboard these craft. We have been lied to about the true nature of the Moon, the planets Mars and Venus and the real state of technology that we possess today at this very moment.

There are areas on the Moon where plant life grows and even changes color with the seasons. This seasonal effect is because the Moon does not, as claimed, always present the exact same side to the earth or the sun. There is an area that wobbles in and out of darkness on a seasonal basis and it is near this area that the plant life grows. The Moon does have a few man-made lakes and ponds upon its surface and clouds have been observed and filmed in its atmosphere. It possesses a gravitational field and man can walk upon its surface without a space suit breathing from an oxygen bottle after undergoing decompression the same as any deep sea diver. I have seen the photographs and some of them were actually published in the book "We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon" by Fred Steckling.

In 1969 a confrontation broke out between the human scientists and the aliens at the Dulce underground lab. The aliens took many of our scientists hostage. Delta forces were sent to free them but were no match against the alien weapons. 66 of our people were killed during this action. As a result we withdrew from all joint projects for at least 2 years. A reconciliation eventually took place and once again we began to interact. Today the alliance continues.

Nixon Forced To Resign

When the Watergate scandal broke, President Nixon had intended to ride out the storm confident that he could not be impeached. MJ-12, however, had a different agenda.The intelligence community rightfully concluded that an impeachment trial would open up the files and bare the awful secrets to the public eye. Nixon was ordered to resign. He refused and so the first military coup ever to take place in the United States was promulgated. The joint Chiefs of Staff sent a TOP SECRET message to the commanders of all U.S. armed forces throughout the world. It stated, "Upon receipt of this message you will no longer carry out any orders from the White House. Acknowledge receipt." This message was sent a full 5 days before Nixon conceded and announced publicly that he would resign. I personally saw this message. When I asked my commanding officer what he would do as obviously the order violated the Constitution, I was told, "I guess I will wait to see if any orders come from the White House and then I will decide." I did not see any communication from the White House but that does not mean that none was sent.

During all the years that this has been happening the Congress and the American people have seemed to know instinctively that something was not right. When the Watergate scandal surfaced they jumped on the bandwagon and everyone thought that the agencies would be cleaned out. President Ford organized the Rockefeller commission to do the job. At least that is what everyone thought. His real purpose was to head off the Congress and keep the cover-up going. Nelson Rockefeller who headed the commission investigating the intelligence community was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and was the one who helped Eisenhower build the MJ-12 power structure. Rockefeller uncovered only enough to keep the hounds at bay. He threw the Congress few bones and the cover-up rolled merrily along as always.

Later Senator Church would conduct the famous Church hearings. He also was a prominent member of the Council on Foreign Relations and he only repeated the Rockefeller act. Again the cover-up prevailed. When Iran Contra came along we thought this time it had to come gushing out. Wrong again! Despite mountains of documents that pointed to drug smuggling and other hidden monsters, the cover-up sailed through. Congress even seemed to go out of its way to duck the issues that were just under the surface. Could it be that Congress knows the whole thing and won't touch it? Are they amoung the select who have been picked for the Mars colony when the Earth begins to destruct?

I cannot even begin to outline the entire financial empire controlled by the CIA, the NSA, and the Council on Foreign Relations that controls and launders money from drugs and intelligence community proprietary ventures but I can tell you the little that I know. The amount of money is beyond anything you can imagine and is hidden in a vast networks of banks and holding companies. You should first begin to look at the J. Henry Schroder Banking Corporation, The Schroder Trust Company, Schroders Limited (London), Helbert Wagg Holdings, LTD., J. Henry Schroder-Wagg & Co., LTD, Schroder Gerbruder and Company (Germany), Schroder Munchmeyer Hengst and Company, Castle Bank and its holding companies, the Asian Development Bank, and the Nugan Hand octopus of banks and holding companies.

Contingency Plan

A contingency plan was formulated by MJ-12 to throw everyone off the trail should they come close to the truth. The plan was known as MAJESTIC TWELVE. It was implemented with the release by Moore, Shandera, and Friedman of the purported genuine "Eisenhower Briefing Document". The document is a fraud. The document lists the Executive Order as #092447. A number which does not exist and will not exist for quite a long time at the present rate. Truman wrote Executive Orders in the 9,000 range, Eisenhower wrote in the 10,000 range, Ford was up to the 11,000 bracket, and Reagan got only into the 12,000 numbers. Executive Orders are numbered consecutively, no matter who occupies the White House for reasons of continuity, record keeping, and to prevent confusion. The Executive Order is only 1 of several fatal flaws contained within the document. The plan so far has thrown the entire research community off the trail for several years and has resulted in the wasted expenditure of money looking for information which does not exist. It resulted in a total waste of a grant by the Fund for UFO Research of $16,000 which was given to Stanton Friedman to research the information. Many thousands of man hours have gone into looking for a "Red Herring". If you doubt the secret government's ability to run you through the rose garden you had better think again.

Another contingency plan is in force and is working upon you today. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual confrontation with an alien race. The public is being bombarded with movies,radio, advertising, and TV depicting almost every aspect of the true nature of the alien presence. This includes the good and the bad. Look around and pay attention. The aliens are planning to make their presence known and the government is preparing you for it so that there will be no panic.

The worst contingency plan has also been implemented and is at work right now. For many years now they have been importing drugs and selling them to the people and mainly the poor and minorities. Social welfare programs were put into place to create a dependent non-working element of our society. They began to remove the social welfare programs in order to develop a large criminal class that did not exist in the 50's and early 60's. They encouraged the manufacture and importation of deadly military firearms for the criminal element to use. This was intended to foster a feeling of insecurity which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Incidents were to be staged to speed up the process. By using drugs and hypnosis in a process called Orion on mental patients the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on school yards and inflame the anti-gun lobby. This plan is well underway and so far is working as planned. This plan must not succeed.

Martial Law and Concentration Camps

Due to the wave of crime sweeping the nation they will convince the American people a state of anarchy exists within the major cities. They are now building their case almost nightly on TV and daily in newspapers. When public opinion has been won over to this idea they intend to state that a terrorist group armed with a nuclear weapon has entered the United States and that they plan to detonate this device in one of our cities. The government will then suspend the Constitution and declare Martial Law. The secret alien army of implanted humans and all dissidents, which translated into anyone they choose, will be rounded up and will be placed in concentration camps which already exist throughout the country. They are each one mile square. Are the people whom they intend to place in these concentration camps destined to make the reported "Batch Consignments" of slave labor needed by the Space Colonies? the media, radio, TV, newspapers, and computer networks will be nationalized and seized. Anyone who resists will be taken or killed. This entire operation was rehearsed by the government and military in 1984 under the code name REX-84 and it went off without a hitch. When these events have transpired the SECRET GOVERNMENT and/or ALIEN takeover will be complete. Your freedom will never be returned and you will live in slavery for the remainder of your life. You had better wake up and you had better do it now.

Secret Government Agents

Phil Klass is an agent of the CIA and this was stated in the documents I saw between 1970 and 1973. One of his jobs as an aviation expert was to debunk everything to do with UFOs. All military commanders were instructed to call him to gain information on how to debunk and/or explain UFO contacts and/or sightings to the public and/or press if and when the need arose.

William Moore, Jaimie Shandera, and Stanton Friedman are either witting (with knowledge) or unwitting (being used without knowledge) agents of the secret government. I prefer to believe that they are unwitting although William Moore's reported us of a Defense Investigation Service ID card and his reported self confession to Lee Graham that he was an agent of the government makes me seriously doubt it, if the reports are true. Lee Graham called me at my home, and when asked, he confirmed that Moore had indeed done this.

Stanton Friedman has told me and many others that years ago he "helped develop a nuclear reactor, to power an aircraft, that was the size of a basketball, was clean, turned out hydrogen, and worked like a dream". His words not mine. The only fuel which could go into such an engine and produce hydrogen as a by-product is water. The only place in the universe at that time to get such technology was from the aliens. Is he really unwitting? I do not know. He was a member of the Moore, Shandera, and Friedman research team and it was they who implemented the MAJESTIC TWELVE contingency plan.

In the documents which I saw between 1970 and 1973 names of individuals were listed who were to be targeted for recruitment in order that the contingency plan known as MAJESTIC TWELVE could be introduced to the public by persons known and respected by the public. Bruce Macabee, Stanton Friedman, and William Moore were among those listed. I do not know that the subsequent events do not seem to indicate the Bruce Macabee is involved but the actions of Stanton Friedman and William Moore are highly suspect.

I know that all the major UFO research organizations were targeted for infiltration and control by the secret government just as NICAP was infiltrated and controlled. I believe that these efforts have been successful. It is very possible that the major UFO publications are also controlled.

Majestic 12 Today

Today, MJ-12 still exists and operates just as it always has. It is made up of the same structure, 6 from the same positions in government, and 6 from the executive members of the Council on Foreign Relations and/or Trilateral Commission. The Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence is publicly known as the Senior Interagency Group (SIG).

In closing it is most important to understand that the council on Foreign Relations and its offshoot the Trilateral Commission not only control but own this country. Long before WWII they were instrumental in helping to decide policy for the United States Government. The Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and their foreign counterparts report to Bilderburgers. Almost every high level government and military official of any consequence since WWII including presidents have been members of the Council on Foreign Relations and/or Trilateral Commission. All American members of the Trilateral Commission have either been or are a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Each foreign nation of any importance has its own offshoot of the Council on Foreign Relations and the members of each country interact with those of other countries through the Bilderburgers to further their common goals. The foreign member of the Trilateral Commission belong to their respective organizations.

Even a cursory investigation by the most inexperienced researcher will show that the members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission control the major foundations, all of the major media, publishing interests, the largest banks, all the major corporations, the upper echelons of the government, and many other vital interests. Their members are elected and appointed because they have all the money and special interests behind them. All, that is, except the peoples. They are undemocratic and do not in any way represent the majority of the U.S. of America. These are the people who will decide who survives the coming holocaust and who does not.

The Bilderburgers, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are the SECRET GOVERNMENT and rule this nation through MJ-12 and the study group known as the Jason Society or Jason Scholars and the top echelon of the government which consist mostly of their members.

Alien Manipulation

Throughout our history the Aliens have manipulated and/or ruled the human race through various secret societies, religion, magic, witchcraft, and the occult. The Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are in complete control of the alien technology and are also in complete control of the nation's economy. Eisenhower was the last president to know the entire overview of the alien problem. Succeeding presidents were told only what MJ-12 and the Intelligence Community wanted them to know and believe me, it wasn't the truth.

MJ-12 has presented each new president with a picture of a lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet, and shower us with gifts of technology. In some cases the president was told nothing. Each president in turn has bought the story, or no story at all, hook line and sinker. Meanwhile innocent people continue to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of alien and human scientists who are engaged in barbarous research that would make even the Nazis look like sunday school children. As if that is not enough many people end up as food for the insatiable alien appetite for biological enzymes, glandular hormonal secretions, and blood. Many people are abducted and are sentenced to live with psychological and physical damage for the rest of their lives. In the documents I saw, 1 in 40 humans have been implanted with devices the purpose of which I have never discovered. The government believes that the aliens are building an army of human implants which can be activated and turned upon us at will. You should also know that to date we have not even begun to come close to parity with the aliens. Is this technology worth it?

The conclusions are inescapable.

  • The secret power structure believes that, because of our own ignorance or by Divine Decree, planet Earth will self destruct sometime in the near future. These men sincerely believe that they are doing the right thing in their attempt to save the human race. It is terribly ironic that they have been forced to take as their partner an alien race which is itself engaged in a monumental struggle for survival. Many moral and legal compromises have been made in this joint effort. These compromises were made in error and must be corrected and those responsible should be made to account for their actions. I can understand the fear and urgency that must have been instrumental in the decision not to tell the public. Obviously I disagree with this decision.

    Throughout history small but powerful groups of men have consistently felt that they alone were capable of deciding the fates of millions and throughout history they have been wrong. This great nation owes its very existence to the Principles of Freedom and Democracy. I believe with all my heart that the United States of America cannot and will not succeed in any effort that ignores those principles. Full disclosure to the public should be made and we should proceed to save the human race altogether.

  • We are being manipulated by a joint human/alien power structure which will result in the total enslavement and or destruction of the human race.
  • The government has been totally deceived and we are being manipulated by an alien power which will result in the total enslavement and/or destruction of the human race. We must use any and every means available to prevent this from happening.
  • Something else is happening which is beyond our ability to understand at this time. We must force disclosure of all the facts, discover the truth and act upon the truth.

In any case we MUST force disclosure of the truth or no matter what happens we will surely deserve it. The situation in which we find ourselves is due to our own actions or inactions over the last 44 years. It is our own fault and we are the only ones who can change it. Through ignorance or misplaced trust we as a people have abdicated our role as the "watch dog" of our government. Our government was founded "of the people, for the people, by the people". There was no mention or intent to ever abdicate our role and place our total trust in a handful of men who meet secretly and decide our fate for us. In fact the structure of our government was designed to prevent that from ever happening. If we had done our jobs as citizens this could never have happened. Most of us are completely ignorant as to even the most basic functions of our government. We have truly become a nation of sheep. Sheep are always eventually led to the slaughter. It is time to stand up in the manner of our forefathers and walk like men. I remind you all, that the Jews of Europe marched to the ovens, after having been warned, believing all the while that the facts could not possibly be true. When the outside world was told of the holocaust occuring in Hitler's Europe it was not believed. I state here and now that Hitler was manipulated by these same aliens.

I have brought you the truth as I know it. I do not care what you think of me. I have done my duty and no matter what fate lies in store for me, I can truly meet my maker with a clear conscience. I believe first in God. The same God my ancestors believed in. I believe in Jesus Christ and that he is my Savior. I believe second in the Constitution of the United States of America as it was written and meant to work. I have given my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. I intend to fulfill that oath.




18 NOVEMBER, 1952

WARNING: This is a TOP SECRET - EYES ONLY document containing
compartmentalized information essential to the national security
of the United States. EYES ONLY ACCESS to the material herein
is strictly limited to those possessing Majestic-12 clearance
level. Reproduction in any form or the taking of written or
mechanically transcribed notes is strictly forbidden.



Page 2





NOTE: This document has been prepared as a preliminary briefing
only. It should be regarded as introductory to a full operations
briefing intended to follow.

* * * * * *

OPERATION MAJESTIC-12 is a TOP SECRET Research and Development/
Intelligence operation responsible directly and only to the
President of the United States. Operations of the project are
carried out under control of the Majestic-12 (Majic-12) Group
which was established by special classified executive order of
President Truman on 24 September, 1947, upon recommendation by
Dr. Vannevar Bush and Secretary James Forrestal. (See Attachment
"A".) Members of the Majestic-12 Group were designated as follows:

            Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter
            Dr. Vannevar Bush
            Secy. James V. Forrestal
            Gen. Nathan F. Twining
            Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg
            Dr. Detlev Bronk
            Dr. Jerome Hunsaker
            Mr. Sidney W. Souers
            Mr. Gordon Gray
            Dr. Donald Menzel
            Gen. Robert M. Montague
            Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner

The death of Secretary Forrestal on 22 May, 1949, created
a vacancy which remained unfilled until 01 August, 1950, upon
which date Gen. Walter B. Smith was designated as permanent replacement.

Page 3

On 24 June, 1947, a civilian pilot, flying over the Cascade
Mountains in the State of Washington observed nine flying
disc-shaped aircraft travelling in formation at a high rate
of speed. Although this was not the first known sighting
of such objects, it was the first to gain widespread attention
in the public media. Hundreds of reports of sightings of
similar objects followed. Many of these came from highly
credible military and civilian sources. These reports res-
ulted in independent efforts by several different elements
of the military to ascertain the nature and purpose of these
objects in the interests of national defense. A number of
witnesses were interviewed and there were several unsuccessful
attempts to utilize aircraft in efforts to pursue reported
discs in flight. Public reaction bordered on near hysteria
at times.

In spite of these efforts, little of substance was learned
about the objects until a local rancher reported that one
had crashed in a remote region of New Mexico located approx-
imately seventy-five miles northwest of Roswell Army Air
Base (now Walker Field).

On 07 July, 1947, a secret operation was begun to assure
recovery of the wreckage of this object for scientific study.
During the course of this operation, aerial reconnaissance
discovered that four small human-like beings had apparently
ejected from the craft at some point before it exploded.
These had fallen to earth about two miles east of the wreckage
site. All four were dead and badly decomposed due to action
by predators and exposure to the elements during the approx-
imately one week time period which had elapsed before their
discovery. A special scientific team took charge of removing
these bodies for study. (See Attachment "C".) The wreckage
of the craft was also removed to several different locations.
(See Attachment "B".) Civilian and military witnesses in
the area were debriefed, and news reporters were given the
effective cover story that the object had been a misguided
weather research balloon.

Page 4

A covert analytical effort organized by Gen. Twining and
Dr. Bush acting on the direct orders of the President, res-
ulted in a preliminary consensus (19 September, 1947) that
the disc was most likely a short range reconnaissance craft.
This conclusion was based for the most part on the craft's
size and the apparent lack of any identifiable provisioning.
(See Attachment "D".) A similar analysis of the four dead
occupants was arranged by Dr. Bronk. It was the tentative
conclusion of this group (30 November, 1947) that although
these creatures are human-like in appearance, the biological
and evolutionary processes responsible for their development
has apparently been quite different from those observed or
postulated in homo-sapiens. Dr Bronk's tea has suggested
the term "Extra-terrestrial Biological Entities", or "EBEs",
be adopted as the standard term of reference for these
creatures until such time as a more definitive designation
can be agreed upon.

Since it is virtually certain that these craft do not origin-
ate in any country on earth, considerable speculation has
centered around what their point of origin may be and how
they get here. Mars was and remains a possibility, although
some scientists, most notably Dr. Menzel, consider it more
likely that we are dealing with beings from another solar
system entirely.

Numerous examples of what appear to be a form of writing
were found in the wreckage. Efforts to decipher these have
remained largely unsuccessful. (See Attachment "E".)
Equally unsuccessful have been efforts to determine the
method of propulsion or the nature or method of transmission
of the power source involved. Research along these lines
has been complicated by the complete absence of identifiable
wings, propellers, jets, or other conventional methods of
propulsion and guidance, as well as a total lack of
metallic wiring, vacuum tubes, or similar recognizable electronic
components. (See Attachment "F".) It is assumed that the
propulsion unit was completely destroyed by the explosion
which caused the crash.

Page 5

A need for as much additional information as possible about
these craft, their performance characteristics and their
purpose led to the undertaking known as U.S. Air Force Project
SIGN in December, 1947. In order to preserve security, liason
between SIGN and Majestic-12 was limited to two individuals
within the Intelligence Division of Air Materiel Command whose
role was to pass along certain types of information through
channels. SIGN evolved into Project GRUDGE in December, 1948.
The operation is currently being conducted under the code name
BLUE BOOK, with liason maintained through the Air Force officer
who is head of the project.

On 06 December, 1950, a second object, probably of similar
origin, impacted the earth at high speed in the El Indio -
Guerrero area of Texas - Mexican border after following
a long trajectory through the atmosphere. by the time a
search team arrived, what remained of the object had been almost
totally incinerated. Such material as could be recovered was
transported to the A.E.C. facility at Sandia, New Mexico, for

Implications for the National Security are of continuing im-
portance in that the motives and ultimate intentions of these
visitors remain completely unknown. In addition, a significant
upsurge in the surveillance activity of these craft beginning
in May and continuing through the autumn of this year has caused
considerable concern that new developments may be imminent.
It is for these reasons, as well as the obvious international
and technological considerations and the ultimate need to
avoid a public panic at all costs, that the Majestic-12 Group
remains of the unanimous opinion that imposition of the
strictest security precautions should continue without inter-
ruption into the new administration. At the same time, con-
tingency plan MJ-1949-04P/78 (Top Secret - Eyes Only) should
be held in continued readiness should the need to make a
public announcement present itself. (See Attachment "G".)

Page 6


  • ATTACHMENT "A"........Special Classified Executive

                       Order #092447. (TS/EO)

  • ATTACHMENT "B"........Operation Majestic-12 Status

                       Report #1, Part A. 30 NOV '47.

  • ATTACHMENT "C"........Operation Majestic-12 Status

                       Report #1, Part B. 30 NOV '47.

  • ATTACHMENT "D"........Operation Majestic-12 Preliminary

                       Analytical Report. 19 SEP '47.

  • ATTACHMENT "E"........Operation Majestic-12 Blue Team

                       Report #5. 30 JUN '52.

  • ATTACHMENT "F"........Operation Majestic-12 Status

                       Report #2. 31 JAN '48.

  • ATTACHMENT "G"........Operation Majestic-12 Contingency

                       Plan MJ-1949-04P/78: 31 JAN '49.

  • ATTACHMENT "H"........Operation Majestic-12, Maps and

                       Photographs Folio (Extractions).

Letter from Truman



September 24, 1947.


Dear Secretary Forrestal:

As per our recent conversation on this matter,
you are hereby authorized to proceed with all due
speed and caution upon your undertaking. Hereafter
this matter shall be referred to only as Operation
Majestic Twelve.

It continues to be my feeling that any future
considerations relative to the ultimate disposition
of this matter should rest solely with the Office
of the President following appropriate discussions
with yourself, Dr. Bush and the Director of Central

Harry Truman


New Majestic-12 Document

Here are some of the most interesting MJ-12 documents to have come to light. To learn more about these documents and the research behind them, please go to:

Documents Dated Prior to 1948

Click on documents to enlarge

This is the memo that links the UFO crashes with the Los Angeles Air Raid of 1942, since it occurred only three days earlier. It alludes to "atomic secrets learned from study of celestial devices" and authorizes "Dr. Bush to proceed with the project without further delay." The reference to "this new wonder" is, to our knowledge, a unique phrase for the time. The writing of Source S-2 shows at the bottom of the page. Authenticity, for a retyped memo like this, is nearly hopeless to prove in court. Format details might be of some help if they are consistent with the style of the time.

On March 5, 1942, George C. Marshall writes a top-secret memo to the President, which states: "regarding the air raid over Los Angeles, it was learned by Army G2 that Rear Admiral Anderson 'recovered an unidentified airplane off the coast of California' with no bearing on conventional explanation... This Headquarters has come to the determination that the mystery airplanes are in fact not earthly and according to secret intelligence sources, they are in all probability of interplanetary origin." Marshall goes on to state: "As a consequence, I have issued orders to Army G2 that a special intelligence unit be created to further investigate the phenomenon and report any significant connection between recent incidents and those collected by the director the office of Coordinator of Information." The memo bears correct Office of Chief of Staff (OCS) file numbers and has "Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit" (IPU) typed on it at a later time by a different typewriter. It is logical to believe that this is the order that sets up the IPU.

George C. Marshall to Franklin D. Roosevelt, 5 March 1942

On February 22, 1944, Franklin D. Roosevelt writes a DOUBLE TOP SECRET memo on White House stationary for "The special committee on non-terrestrial science and technology." Both the title and the content clearly allude to extraterrestrial life, the former using the word "non-terrestrial" and the latter talks about "coming to grips with the reality that our planet is not the only one harboring intelligent life in the universe." Remarkably, the last four words are exactly the title of Sagan's book co-authored with the Soviet scientist Shklovsky. Clearly the situation was that we had recovered at least one craft by then, probably the Cape Girardeau crash of 1941, and came to realize the wealth of technology that lay there for the pickings. Apparently the "Special Committee on Non-terrestrial Science and Technology" had been working some time in order to define a clear action. Dr. Bush had presumably presented a proposal from the Committee for an aggressive separate program to apply "non-terrestrial know-how" to the war effort, but FDR thought that it would threaten the atomic bomb program. Thus, he carefully avoids saying "no," but says that we will "take every advantage of such wonders that have come to us" after we have won the war. Very gracious letter. The classification "double top secret" was a legitimate one. We are currently (May 2000) requesting copies of similar correspondence from the Roosevelt Library for format and typography comparison. The signature, although not a strong discriminant, is consistent with other authentic signatures.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt Memo on Non-Terrestrial Science and Technology, 22 February 1944

This six-page document titled, "Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies", is the first document to use the phrase Extraterrestrial Biological Entities, or EBEs. It says the presence of unidentified spacecraft is accepted as de facto by the military - and this is dated June 1947. It deals with the subjects that you would expect competent scientists to deal with - i.e., where do they come from, what does the law say about it, what should we do in the event of colonization and/or integration of peoples, and why are they here? The document suggests that in the event that EBE's desire to settle here on earth there will be "profound change in traditional concepts" of law and the possible need for a new "Law Among Planetary Peoples." There is also propositions concerning the necessary creation of a "Cosmic International law" that would protect the rights of all celestial states to lay claim on otherwise unclaimed solar territories. Finally, the document addresses the presence of celestial astroplanes in our atmosphere as a result of actions of military experiments with fission and fusion devices of warfare. The authors of this document encourage consideration of our potential future situation and safety due to our present and past actions in space. How can we avoid a perilous fate?

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Oppenheimer-Einstein Draft, June 1947

In this one-page unclassified memo dated 30 June 1947, Eisenhower orders Col. K. W. Ireland to take good care of Archbishop Francis J. Spellman on his tour through New Mexico. What seems unusual is President Truman's personal involvement in this matter. The memo states: "By personal direction of the President of the United States, Archbishop Francis J. Spellman in his capacity as Military Vicar of the Armed Forces of the Army, Army Air Forces and the Navy, is making a tour of military bases in New Mexico, afterwards is making a trip over the routes of the Air Transport Command." It is strange that this is a classified trip, as evidenced by the following statement: "General Webster has assured me that the Archbishop will have complete security at all times and that his presence at any air field will not be disclosed as his flight schedule is considered classified by order of AC/AS General Vandenberg."

General Eisenhower Memo to Col. K. W. Ireland, 30 June 1947

This one-page order directs the officer in charge (OIC) to take a counter intelligence team to the UFO crash site and report to the G2 (intelligence) at Condron Field, New Mexico, which, of course, is Roswell. OIC is to take along a non-commissioned OIC, an aeronautical engineer, a scientist, a security officer and a medical doctor, and to provide a report by the 28th of July.

Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Field Order, 4 July 1947

On July 5, 1947, possibly as a result of the New Mexico events, Vannevar Bush writes a memo to Truman recapping the status of the earlier investigations. As an apparent follow up by FDR to Bush, FDR wrote another letter (which we don't have) in April 1944 requesting recommendations on four specific points. This letter is Bush's answer. It is presumed that the Top Secret/Eyes Only Operation Majestic-12 classification was added at a later date. The letter also shows an "OK" and a Harry Truman signature. This letter is stamped with the known authentic "original" stamp, and was probably produced by a typewriter because of the uniformity of letter spacing. We expect to show, of course, that this format was commonly used by OSRD typewriters of the era. Bush restates the FDR questions for Truman's benefit, mentions the assistance of distinguished committees, alludes to the "many meetings since the events of this summer," transmits the full reports as appendices, and proposes a "single mechanism for implementing the recommendations of the several committees." Could this be one hugely classified program called "Majestic Twelve" at the end of the summer? The date of the letter, 5 July, was, of course, coincident with the recoveries going on in New Mexico at that very time. Harry Truman's "OK" may have been prophetic.

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Vannevar Bush Letter to President Truman, 5 July 1947

On the 8th of July, Eisenhower got around to signing the authorization for General Nathan Twining, the head of the Air Materiel Command, to go to White Sands to "...make an appraisal of the reported unidentified objects being kept there." With a team of experts, technicians, scientists and assistants, Twining was directed to not only appraise the unidentified object, but also to deal with the military, political, and psychological situation surrounding its existence in New Mexico.

Directive to General Twining by Eisenhower, 8 July 1947

On the 9th of July, Harry Truman signed a virtually identical letter authorizing Twining to re-visit White Sands to make another appraisal of the object being kept. It was desired that he "proceed with detachment from any opinions or feelings expressed by personnel involved which do not conform to sound reasoning with regard to possible outcome." Someone apparently thought it was so important that the Commander-in-Chief put his name on the spot without "passing the buck." Alternatively, Ike himself may have requested a "back-up" memo.

Directive to General Twining by President Truman, 9 July 1947

This three-page bureaucratic report provides the first glimpses of Lt. General Nathan F. Twinning's Air Accident Report originally published in Leonard Stringfield's (now deceased) Status Report VII, in 1994. Twining apparently describes in first order detail the inside of a "flying disc", everything from the typewriter-like keys that control the propulsion system to a thirty-five foot doughnut shaped one-inch tube inside the craft filled with a clear substance and a coil of copper-like material. Twining, engineers from Engineering Division T-3, scientific personnel from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and other educated experts report that the object was not manufactured by the US, Germany, or Russia for a variety of reasons including; lack of any known design resemblance, lack of external propulsion system and power plant, and the lack of Identifying markings and/or numbers. The experts theorized about how the craft is powered, how it moves, and how and where it is controlled from, but there is no real knowledge beyond the theories. The inability for the experts to prove the object to be made in any of the advanced technological societies on earth is intriguing and thought provoking. The significance and consistency of the technical content has not been evaluated, although it is clear that the writing is consistent with 1947 state of the art, not modern.

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Air Accident Report by Twining to Headquarters, 16 July 1947

This two-page memo from Lt. General Nathan Twining to Curtis LeMay activates a new laboratory to conduct meteorological research and development and upper air research with the Electronics Subdivision of the Engineering Division of the AMC. It states in part, "In view of the close relationship and interdependence of research in meteorology and research in electromagnetic compressional wave propagation, action is being taken to reorganize the present Applied Propagation Laboratory of Watson laboratories in the Atmospheric Laboratory, and expand its functions to include research and development in meteorology and related geophysical fields." Later, the memo goes on to state that "funds requested for F.Y. 1949 Project 680-11, Atmospheric Research and applied scientific research of the upper atmosphere, a total sum of $6,000,000 has been specified." What a huge sum of money in 1949 to study the "upper atmosphere;" a more logical interpretation is that we are analyzing flying saucers, their technology, why they are here, and what are we going to do about it.

Interesting list of metallurgical lab personnel as of July 17, 1947, that may have been unwittingly involved in analyzing and reverse engineering crashed wreckage.

Metallurgical Lab Personnel

This seven-page document by the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit begins by saying "...the extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne objects in the State of New Mexico between 4 July and 6 July 1947." That's the subject, and it goes on to state what the coordinates are, and other fascinating details of the recovery operations and discoveries. The most interesting being the discovery and basic detailed appearance of several bodies that were taken to the hospital at Roswell AAF and other near by hospitals (listed, but not disclosed for security reasons). The conclusion arrived at by the team of experts was unclear because of the limitations of contemporary science and appropriate budgets for future investigation, but leans to the possibility of a very well orchestrated Hoax by US societal outsiders or that "our country has played host to beings from another planet."

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Counter Intelligence Corps/Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Report, 22 July 1947

This one-page memo discusses the control of Restricted Data, which was used for both atomic activities and alien activities stemming from the New Mexico events. Cantwheel, the alleged source of much of these new documents, typed on the bottom of the document: "SAC wanted to keep certain AAF personnel from accessing the out-going messages from Roswell AAF to SAC headquarters that would identify AAF personnel responsible for the transport of classified material to Wright Field, and the personnel who were responsible for disposition of the wreckage and bodies found near Socorro and Corona, New Mexico."

CWO Marcrau Memo to Commanding General Army Air Forces, 12 August 1947

This two-page Top Secret MAJIC Eyes Only report to General C. P. Cabell and commanding General of the Air Materiel Command from the Research and Development Laboratory is dated 2 September 1947. It provides a credible glimpse into the problems that faced the first analytical team to examine real crashed extraterrestrial hardware. Here are some quotes: "some nation has reached a stage of flight development in which the present ideas are entirely obsolete" and "the absence of riveting and surface over-lapping indicates a 'simplistic' concept that confronts our technology to match the 'careful and well-considered compromises in respect to weight, aerodynamic refinement and design.'" A general description of the flying saucer craft is presented, including a host of historically accurate AISI metallurgical tests. The research team did have success in identifying some control surfaces and exhaust ports and concluded the spherical reactor (hydrogen isotope type) was connected to propulsion motors.

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Flying Saucer Analytical Report, 2 September 1947

The title of this document is "Memorandum for the Military Assessment of the Joint Intelligence Committee." And for those of you paying special attention, you'll notice that the acronym is MAJIC, which in fact turned out to be the code word selected. The four paragraphs say we need a classified intelligence project; we recovered one craft, captured one. It says no coordinated scientific examination is possible until we get a clear directive from the president. It also says Wright Field has a new biological laboratory; the Joint Research and Development Board and the FBI, MI5, MI6 are helping.

Hillenkoetter Memo to Joint Intelligence Committee, 19 September 1947

"No one, without express permission from the President, may disseminate the information contained in this report or communicate it to any unauthorized person not possessing MAJIC SECURITY CLEARANCE." The White Hot report is a 19-page document, dated 19 September 1947 and signed by an appropriate cadre of military leaders on 24 September 1947. Several accounts of individual pilots were reported in 1947 with varying details that make each encounter a unique piece in a puzzle of phenomenon. In this particular year, sightings were reported "not only in the United States, but also in Sweden, Germany, Holland, Paraguay, Scandinavia, Greece, and by ships at sea." Studied by classified teams of experts, many interesting and provocative details were recorded in this report of unidentifiable crash remains. The document is broken down into various sections that address concerns specifically: Preliminary Intelligence Estimate, Technical Evaluation, Scientific Probabilities, Political Considerations, and National Security Structure. In the preliminary estimate, experts of the AMC and ONR speculate that "the unidentified lenticular-shaped aerodyne lacking conventional wing, fuselage, nacelle, control, and fuel systems" is not only foreign to United States technology, but is also unlikely to be of Russian origin, or for that matter, unlikely to have been designed to operate within the earth's atmosphere. Several bodies were discovered along with the material of the crash, their existence and death just as mysterious as the cause of the crash itself. More interesting than these basic facts is the evidence that suggests "a symbionic relationship between operator and the functions of the aerodyne's operation." This particular leaked governmental document has a plethora of factual information linked to the retrieval and appraisal of the evidence collected from the recovered exhibits that "AMC, ASP, NEAP, ACE, ONR, NACKA, JED, RAND, USAF, SAG, and MIT, are deemed extraterrestrial in nature." The White Hot report not only covers the factual evidence of the retrieval, but also sheds light on a number of conceptual concerns surrounding politics, National Security, nuclear weaponry, and the reasons behind keeping knowledge of this nature out of the public's grasp indefinitely. It concludes, for the well being of the public, of course, and the protection of national security, that "the US must be perceived as being the top of the heap, and every effort must be made to insure that there is, and never has been, a threat to the country."

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Twining's "White Hot" Report: Mission Assessment of Recovered Lenticular Aerodyne Objects, 19 September 1947

Brig. Gen. Malcolm C. Grow writes a two-page memo for General Twining describing the preliminary results of the post-mortem examination of the Air Accident Report filed 17 July 1947 (see above). Note the wide-ranging distribution list from people like Dr. Detlev Bronk and Dr. Randolph Lovelace to the AAF Scientific Advisory Group and Intelligence Departments. This perfunctory preliminary report is clear in its references to a UFO: "Collision in full flight with object other than conventional aircraft," "Artifacts collected and assembled indicate that the unidentified aircraft," "The functions of the instruments found in the cockpit area are unknown at present; so there is no way to determine if the craft was manned or remotely controlled."

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Malcolm Grow to Lt. Gen. Twining - Aero Medical Laboratory, 20 September 1947

A bureaucratic memo with excellent checkable references discusses an Analysis of Factors Contributing to "Pilot-Error" Experiences in Operating Experimental Aircraft Controls written by Lt. Col. Tucker. Tucker and his correct period phone extension, memo format, and writing style have been verified in the National Archives. Tucker was part of the Aero Medical Laboratory, Psychological Branch. It discusses two incidents on 25 March and 4 July 1947 about S-Aircraft (PF) and interactions with symbolic instrumentation with tactile manipulation of flight controls.

Lt. Col. Tucker Memo to Office of Air Surgeon, 22 September 1947

Marshall writes a memo to the President concerning the "Presentation of Report to the President Re; ULAT" dated September 24, 1947 that expresses concern about the timing of the internal release of this report. "It would be better to discuss the report during the meeting (National Security Council). This would give the members a better picture of the situation rather than having it released piecemeal." Marshall goes on to say, "I further suggest that Twining present the findings of the Majestic-12 briefing to be given be the Director of Central Intelligence with a detailed showing of visual as well as written materials." File references, format, and signatures suggest authenticity.

Secretary of State Marshall, Memo to The President, 24 September 1947

So, five days later, President Truman, in that busy week of the 24th of September, 1947, decided that he would sign this document, which says, "Hereafter this matter shall be referred to only as Operation Majestic Twelve." Unfortunately, researcher Stanton Friedman found another memo, with a nearly identical signature in this same week signed by Truman to Dr. Bush. How can that be? See the Authentication section for a possible answer.

President Truman to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, 24 September 1947

This one-page unclassified memo dated 25 September 1947 is directed to General Spaatz. It voices concern about the quality of the briefing given that day and wants the presentation package improved for the National Security Council (NSC) meeting the following day. Cantwheel's comments typed in capital letters at the bottom sum up the sentiment, "The Secretary of Defense was unhappy with briefing of the AMC and R&D briefing officers and Symington wanted Bush and Twining to meet with Truman before NSC meeting on the 26th so that a more concise and explainable report of the discovery would be made."

Memo to General Spaatz, 25 September 1947 (with Cantwheel comments; retyped copy)

This memo was signed top secret, MAJIC eyes only. It says "cryptographic (misspelled in original) security does not apply," thereby revealing that this subject would normally be encrypted, but to expedite it they did not. The memo says that no indication of its contents is to be divulged to the public, referring to Twinning's White Hot report discussed earlier. So this is Marshall telling Humelsine, the secretary to President Truman, to make sure that Truman realizes that he's not going to let anything out to the public, and even suggests a "cover story." The similarity of the handwriting to that in other documents poses an authentication challenge.

Secretary of State Marshall to President Truman, 25 September 1947

General Nathan Twining writes to the President on 26 September 1947 and respectfully submits his report on Flying Saucers. This is "In accordance with your instructions, advisors from State, Treasury, War, and Navy departments assisted me in a two month exploratory mission concerning the reality of other-world visitation." The memo is impressive for its authentic looking pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff and Combined Chiefs of Staff filing references along with clear older sized paper markings.

Twining's Report to The President, Parts I-V, 26 September 1947

On 27 September 1947, George C. Marshall writes to his Executive secretary Carl Humelsine about the tragic consequences if the present rumors about New Mexico events are disclosed to the public. Humelsine is resistant to sign an agreement to remain quiet concerning these events because he has already heard about them through other sources. The memo states in part, "(a) you are unwilling to commit yourself to any agreement regarding not communicating its contents to any other person in view of the fact that you felt you already knew certain of the things probably referred to in the memo, as suggested to you by seeing the security reference 'MAJIC' and b) you could not feel that such a letter as this could have been addressed to you without the knowledge of the President." This ozalid (early carbon duplication) printing process memo is authentic for the era and would be difficult to fake.

Secretary of State George C. Marshall to Carl Humelsine, 27 September 1947

This presidential briefing document is an intelligence estimate dated September 30, 1947 titled "Unidentified Aircraft Sighting Over the United States." Prepared by the Special Studies and Evaluation State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee and the Office of National Estimates Central Intelligence Agency. It references both a TS Control No. 7300405, NSA authority and a NSCID (National Security Council Intelligence Directive) 6 Authority, NIA Directive.

The six page Top Secret Eyes Only covers essential elements of information, however, no discussion of wreckage, alien bodies etc., after all the briefing is about unidentified aircraft sightings. Main headings are: estimates of Soviet capabilities, domestic capabilities, estimate of the situation, estimates of interplanetary capabilities, and conclusions. The estimate of the situation and interplanetary capabilities make for very interesting reading.

The document is retyped and Source S-2 has handwritten at the bottom this is the best version available. It is allegedly annotated by Harry Truman "I want the Director of NSA to have this for future reference. October 24, 1952"

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"Unidentified Aircraft Sightings Over the United States," Top Secret Eyes Only Intelligence Estimate, 30 September 1947

This memo from Vandenberg to the Army Chief of Staff does not clearly relate to UFOs. However, it is clear that the decision process at White Sands and Alamogordo was in turmoil and that clarification was needed. Possibly as a result of the UFO wreckage being stored there and different access requests and priorities. The addition of a senior Army Ordnance Officer being permanently assigned to work with the joint committee for range coordination was the resolution to improve local decision making. What could be so important that would involve top generals to clarify decision making? The leaked version (page 1), is nearly identical to a document we found at the National Archives, RG 341, Entry 174, Box 141 (page 2), showing the same language in Paragraph 1 but an additional clarifying paragraph has been added which states: "This agreement concerns only decisions on joint range problems and does not extend into command and administration matters at Alamogordo Air Base." It is possible that either Vandenberg or the Army Chief of Staff upon seeing or reviewing the first memo might say "we need to clarify this so that no one misconstrues our intent and screws up the basic functions of Alamogordo Air Base."

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General Vandenberg to Chief of Staff, 17 December 1947

Documents Dated 1948-1959

On 11 February 1948, Hillenkoetter (DCI) writes a Top Secret Majic Eyes Only memorandum to the President Truman about the Majic Black Book summaries. It states, "For some time, the last two months in particular, I have had our intelligence liaison organization concentrating on the possible presentation on 'Majic' for my use as well as for the other officials concerned, particularly yourself. A highly specialized organization is now engaged in the very necessary process of separating the wheat from the chaff and correlating the items with past information in order that I may be able to quickly and intelligently evaluate the importance of the product." This memo with 092447 classified executive order (EO) stamp and other marginalia looks to be authentic, and our forensic linguistics resources hopefully will confirm Hillenkoetter authorship.

Hillenkoetter to Truman: Majic Black Book Summaries, 11 February 1948

This cover page defines the members of panel of experts responsible for preparing the report on Majestic. They had a very impressive panel - Bush, McDonald, Vandenberg - all these people you would have expected. The odd one is Major Luther D. Miller, Chief of Chaplains. Additionally, notice the Collection Directive number A-1762.1-J1. This file number also appears on other declassified documents that are related to UFOs. The absence of a date and the reference to CIA SI 28-55 suggests the possibility of evidence of deliberate altering for some purpose, such as psychological warfare.

Majestic Twelve Project, 1st Annual Report, Cover Page, 1948?

Allegedly released by the CIA, but most likely released by National Archives Records Administration (NARA) due to the "approved for release" stamp and valid lower right hand corner control number. The challenge is finding the memo at NARA to prove the document is either real or fake. It mentions CIA Top Secret MJ-12 as a File Distribution. The memo subject is Project 63, which is a known program to import PAPERCLIP (German) scientists into the U.S. via New York city.

CIA JOIA Memo, 12 April 1949

This Top Secret Intelligence Report that is suggestive of a pre-flight (PF) aircraft of "Unidentified" U.S. design. Prepared for signature for both Watson and McCoy, it correctly follows the format of other intelligence reports.

White Shot Memo, October 1949

A three-page memo CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence titled "Analysis of the Corona and Oscura Peak, New Mexico Wreckage of Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technology" covers flight dynamics, power plant and propulsion, construction, avionics and navigation. Conclusions are startling for 1950: "construction methods are unknown at this time""analysis of the fusion reactor...", and "travels through space by utilizing the ionizing plasma and the planets magnetic lines of force..."

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CIA Office of Scientific Intelligence, 30 October 1950

For the first time, we see the use of "Not For Public Inspection," "Restricted," and "For Official Use Only" on a formerly Top Secret Majic document. The table of contents appears to be the standard content covered during the 1st-5th annual reports because it perfectly aligns with the remaining report.

Majestic Twelve Project, Purpose and Table of Contents, Summer 1952?

This draft is not dated, but from dates mentioned in the document (latest is May 1951) we believe that it was written in the summer of 1952, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the July '47 crashes. It contains the nature of the investigation, the panel's contribution to the TOP SECRET MAJESTIC DOCUMENTS, a review of the Military Assessment, and various problems in relation to technology, Nuclear Weapons development, Biological Warfare Programs, Genetic and Pharmaceutical Development Programs, New Material Development, Planned Future Rocket Development, Nuclear Propulsion Development, Intelligence Gathering and Analysis, Foreign Policy and National Security, Domestic and Constitutional Issues, social, religious, and Scientific Reaction, Cold War development, and Government Policy of Control and Denial. Lots of sensational information is contained in the seventeen pages of single-spaced, specific, checkable details. It will take several man-years to validate every phrase and claim. The initial checks we have performed provide no clear indication of fakery at all. See the authentication sections for a discussion of subtle issues here.

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Majestic Twelve Project, Annual Report, Summer 1952

This eight-page memo by President Truman to the Secretary of State and Defense is about "Communications Intelligence Activities." In short, it establishes the NSA (National Security Administration). What is interesting is that the same Top Secret Control Number of 7300405 is used on another questioned document of the same era, the Truman Presidential Briefing, discussing unidentified aircraft sightings over the United States. Dated October 24, 1952.

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Truman to Secretary of Defense, 24 October 1952

This document appears to be part of one of the annual reports of MAJESTIC although the numbering does not correspond to the annual report which can be downloaded in its entire draft form. Particularly noteworthy is the handwritten references to "put in Angelton's 'Yellow' files - J1" and "Project White Hot." The text contains some fascinating details such as "The untimely death of Secretary Forrestal was deemed necessary and regrettable." From a historical view, the document says that because of Twining's report (White Hot), President Truman was compelled to sign the National Security Act of 1947.

Annex C Fragment

This "NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION" is classified "TOP SECRET". After identifying the 12 Majestic members, it states that the Kenneth Arnold sighting had caused near hysteria; noted that there was a secret recovery operation starting on 07 July, 1947; four dead bodies; wreckage moved to several locations. It showed Harry Truman's top-secret memo as Appendix A on page 008 setting up the program. Stan Friedman is a notable expert on this document. Some statements agree and some do not agree with statements in other documents. This does not necessarily imply fakery, because of heavy compartmentalization of the facts. "Implications for the National Security are of continuing importance in that the motives and ultimate intentions of these visitors remain completely unknown."

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Eisenhower Briefing Document, 18 November 1952

This two-page Secret memorandum from President Dwight D. Eisenhower to the Director of Central Intelligence is dated 4 November 1953. The document deals with Eisenhower's comments on an "MJTWELVE Operations Plan of June 16, 1953 on the subject of instructions for the expenditures of the National UFO Intelligence Program, and more specifically, the Special Operations instructions to be issued to Unified and Specific Major Commands and Commanders." Eisenhower (a) expresses concern about inflaming the UFO situation with the Soviets; (b) reiterates that both the CIA and the NSA had leading roles to play in the UFO program; and (c) confirms that both Robert Oppenheimer and Albert Einstein (described as the director of Project JEHOVAH) were involved in research relating to UFO physics.

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President Eisenhower to the Director of Central Intelligence, 4 November 1953 - original followed by replica

This one-page document with "1955" handwritten on it is a fragment of a larger document. Two-thirds of the contents refer to the "Nature of Survey" which begins with: "An analysis has been made of the first one-hundred publications in the AFSA Unidentified Flying Object Intelligence Reports, prepared by the U.S. Army Security Service, the U.S. Naval Security Group, and the U.S. Air Force Security Service. Additional reports were reviewed which originated from respective branches intelligence departments. These reports were produced in order to establish what material of UFO intelligence is of value in relation to the New Mexico incidents and the ongoing MAJESTIC PROGRAM."

"Nature of Survey" Fragment, 1955

Documents Dated 1960-1969

This terse memo to the DCI asks for an update on the psychological warfare plans related to MJ-12. The Kennedy signature looks genuine, but he often used an autopen so that is not an important authentication point. There seems to be no reason to doubt that this is a valid memo. If valid, it clearly indicates that there was an MJ-12 continuing as of 1962, the CIA knew about it, and it was involved in psychological warfare.

John F. Kennedy to Director, CIA, June 1961

This one-page top-secret operations review concerning the MJ-12 project is written by Allen W. Dulles. Dated 5 November 1961 and referencing Presidential National Security Memorandum of June 28, 1961, the document describes the situation as: "the overall effectiveness about the actual Soviet response and alert status is not documented to the point where U.S. intelligence can provide a true picture of how Soviet air defenses perceive unidentified flying objects." It goes on to state: "80% of the sighting reports investigated by the Air Force's project Blue Book were explainable and posed no immediate threat to national security. The remaining cases have been classified for security reasons and are under review. While the possibility remains true U.F.O. cases are of non-terrestrial origin, U.S. Intelligence is of the opinion that they do not constitute a physical threat to national defense. For reasons of security, I cannot divulge pertinent data on some of the more sensitive aspects of MJ-12 activities, which have been deemed properly classified under the 1954 Atomic Energy Act."

Operations Review: The MJ-12 Project, by Allen W. Dulles, 5 November 1961

This memo, written in early 1962 and allegedly signed by President Kennedy, was received from Source S-1 on 21 July 2000; it clarifies the authority of the Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) regarding the collection of UFO intelligence. It states in part: "as the Government's principal intelligence officer, you will assure the proper coordination, correlation, and evaluation of intelligence from all sources and its prompt dissemination to me and to other recipients as appropriate." It is clear that the DCI is responsible for coordinating with all U.S. agencies engaged in foreign intelligence activities, and this would include UFOs and their related government investigation organizations. Hence, the DCI would have been intimately involved with Majestic and its related projects.

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Authority of Director of Central Intelligence Clarified 1962

The authenticity of this document has been studied by several others including Milo Speriglio and Tim Cooper. In this rare version that includes the signature of James J. Angleton (CIA counter intelligence chief) it references 54-12/MJ-12. In light of the large FOIA FBI file on Monroe, a suspicious death, known associations with the JFK and discussion of secret diaries that Monroe kept and yet disappeared, this document could be absolutely authentic.

Marilyn Monroe Document, 3 August 1962

This letter from former CIA Director Hillenkoetter to Donald Menzel is marked "CIA Copy" in original ink and handwritten "Top Secret" across the document. Of note is the comment from Hillenkoetter about his experience in the NICAP organization, which he was once chairman of, "_I resigned from NICAP about 20 months ago feeling that it had degenerated from an organization honestly trying to find out something about unknowns, into a bickering body about personalities." It is worth noting that Hillenkoetter was congratulating Menzel on the completion of the new book and states "I would say that you have effectively put to rest all surmises about flying saucers being from 'outer space.' You have done a thorough and praiseworthy job." Both are participants to MJ-12, with Hillenkoetter congratulating Menzel on what a great job he did with the disinformation, psychological warfare, and obfuscation of the UFO reality.

CIA Director R. Hillenkoetter to Donald Menzel, 19 September 1963

This memo, when read and re-read, gives the impression that JFK was urging a downgrading of the genuine extraterrestrials (read Unknowns) so that NASA could be better informed to handle their "defensive responsibilities." Even in this top-secret memo, it is fairly unclear what all the subtleties were. However, the handwriting at the bottom, "Angleton has MJ directive" is confirmation that as late as three days before his assassination, there was an MJ program on the books. Whether this is strongly, weakly, or not at all related to his death is impossible to say from the data here.

John F. Kennedy to CIA, November 1963

This is apparently a modern retyped NSA intercept of JFK's "hot line" talking to the Premiere about the UFO problem and its collective national security importance to each country. Statements made about NASA dovetail with other known authentic National Security Action Memorandums (NSAMs) and other earlier leaked documents about partnering with the Soviets on joint space exploration. This document is virtually impossible to verify even if the nomenclature is proper for the era.

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NSA Intercept, 12 November 1963 - TOP SECRET UMBRA

Accompanying the burned memo was a one-page cover letter to Tim Cooper regarding the history of these eight new directives concerning the MJ-12 program. Startling revelations in the Source S-1 letter include: "…sensitive files that would connect MJ-12 to JFK's murder. This document did not exist officially and has never been disclosed within the agency... We in CI have monitored civilian UFO research for a long time and have played a major role in keeping the UFO community busy... Nixon's special classified executive order (SCEO) ordered all MJ-12 documentation purged and destroyed. This one was not. This carbon copy is the only link to MJ-12 and don't expect any more in the future. Everything is now on computers and there is no existing paper trail to my knowledge..." The redactions were done by the Majestic Documents team to protect the identity of the author.

Source S-1 to Cooper: "Burned Memo" Cover Letter

The nine-page "burned" memo, stamped TOP SECRET/MJ-12, is named because it was snatched from a fire before being destroyed, which is why it is discolored and disintegrating. Unlike many of the Majestic documents, this one is an original carbon with an Eagle watermark characteristic of government work, but so far forensic laboratories have been unable to trace it. The memo is from the Director of Central Intelligence (MJ-1) to MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-7, in reference to Project MAJESTIC and JEHOVAH, Project EVIRO, Project PARASITE, and Project PARHELION. Although no dated is given, its content directly suggests the month of September. The year is estimated to be in the early 1960s and is still under investigation.

The purpose is to have the team review a new set of directives and recommend changes that can be agreed on. Of note is the statement "As you must know LANCER [code word for JFK] has made some inquiries regarding our activities which we cannot allow." The eight tabs of directives are fascinating: (A) President's EYES ONLY, (B) "NEED-TO-KNOW", (C) DoD 5200.1, (D) Project BLUE BOOK, (E) Freedom of Information, (F) PSYOP, (G) BW (biological weapons) and (H) Project ENVIRONMENT. Particularly chilling is the Biological Weapons directive, which states: "Designated MJ projects should be held in readiness to perform SPIKE and HOUSE CLEANING operations in major population centers in the event conventional methods are not satisfactory. Specialists from MK-ULTRA and ARTICHOKE are hereby activated to conduct DOMESTIC." Logically, this paragraph refers to UFO retrieval operations. The authenticity of these directives seems beyond question: original onionskin papers, proper forensically verified red ink of the time period, and rare "CI" (counter intelligence) stamps.

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Burned Memo, pages 1-9, 1963

An MJ-12 directive to kill JFK

The most dramatic directive, likely drafted by Dulles (MJ-1), Director of CIA under JFK and apparently approved by six other MJ-12 members was a cryptic assassination directive. In full, this states:

Draft - Directive Regarding Project Environment - When conditions become non-conducive for growth in our environment and Washington cannot be influenced any further, the weather is lacking any precipitation … it should be wet.

The term “it should be wet” is a coded command to kill someone.

This 15-page (five pages downloadable) Top Secret Majic report on Isotope Thermal Thrusters and Applications by John S. Martinez is clearly over stamped at a later time with security warnings and a period style vertical number scheme of 28710. The contents are normal physics, yet use nuclear power in thermonic reactions to generate significant power for a variety of applications for spacecraft and nuclear rockets. Well referenced with much of the information more publicly understood now in this eclectic field of nuclear propulsion. This area has a rich history of close linkage to UFOs, since it was widely understood even in 1947 that UFOs don't run on kerosene, they must be nuclear. Nuclear Energy for the Propulsion of Aircraft (NEPA) and Advanced Nuclear Power (ANP) were huge military efforts to test the feasibility of nuclear propulsion in airplanes, although the modern day success of these programs is unknown the earlier programs were canceled and not considered successful.

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Isotope Thermal Thrusters and Applications - ASTIA 28710

This 12-page document is a chronological summary of National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP) cases allegedly pulled from the Project Blue Book files. We have determined there is identical handwriting found on the IPU Intelligence Assessment and the first page of the NICAP Cases. See image below, which states: "N.M. Cases were pulled from Project Sign files and classified (TS)1) Corona, NM 2) Socorro, NM. 3) WSPG, NM"

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Summary of National Investigation Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP) Cases, 12 pages

Documents Dated 1970 to Present

Believed to be written by the Office of Scientific Intelligence in 1976, this seven page photocopied onionskin document is titled UFO Sovereignty Over Air Space: A Defense Intelligence Problem. The document is signed by LCR, the initials of an astronomer attached to the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence in the 1970's. LCR talks about the way in which UFOs have violated U.S. airspace on numerous occasions; the way in which Top Secret UFO data has been withheld from elected leaders by the CIA; the recovery of a crashed UFO in New Mexico in 1947 by the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project; the fear of a nuclear confrontation with the Soviets being prompted by UFO radar tracks; President John F. Kennedy's involvement in the UFO controversy; UFOs and the Cuban missile crisis of 1962; and LCR's initiative to begin reintroducing presidential briefings on the UFO subject. The discussion of organizational slowdowns, denied information and management dilemmas are typical of bureaucracies, irrespective of topic. Such references in the discussion are consistent with a pragmatic working document, not for sensationalism or public melodrama.

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UFO Sovereignty Over Air Space: A Defense Intelligence Problem, ~1976 (replica followed by original)

This paper is an Executive Briefing for the Director of Central Intelligence titled: Unidentified Flying Object Implication for Nation Security and Human Survival. LCR reveals that between 1946 and 1955 he was tasked with preparing information on UFOs and the U.S. Intelligence community that was published in a 1956 book written by him, published by the CIA and titled Central Intelligence, UFOs, and National Security. It reveals the surprising fact that many secret documents concerning UFO encounters at Los Alamos and the White Sands Missile Range in the period 1944-1949 were destroyed and also reveals how this caused problems in trying to evaluate the true picture from a historical perspective. The paper also touches upon the CIA's role in espionage and UFO investigations, and LCR's examination of the CIA's historical UFO studies.

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Unidentified Flying Object Implication for Nation Security and Human Survival, December 1976 (replica followed by original)

In this five-page double-spaced memo written for President Reagan's approval, Dr. Edward Teller clearly shows his familiarity with the UFO subject and its threat to National Security. It opens with a gripping sentence, "I wish to bring to your attention a very real and dangerous situation that threatens not only us, the world, but our very existence as a race." It goes on to state, "No longer can the United States be in the position which it found itself in 1947. This was realized in January 1950 when President Truman made a decision to go ahead with a defense program exceeding in scope and cost of the Manhattan Project." What could this have been? The only logical conclusion is that it was a massive effort to exploit the celestial gifts as FDR recommended in his 24 February 1944 Double Top Secret Memo to the Special Committee on Non-Terrestrial Science and Technology.

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Edward Teller's Pitch to President Reagan for SDI, ~1980s

Another fascinating paper, titled UFO Technology and the Imbalance of Power, is attributed to Edward Teller and is a five-page photocopy of onionskin paper. It goes into great detail about the nature of official secrecy and the benefits and the hazards of secrecy both in the Cold War and in the present day. Teller proposes that official secrecy surrounding UFOs should be lessened for three prime reasons: (a) to stimulate research in the field of military applications of UFO technology; (b) to promote cooperation between the USA and its allies around the world on the UFO issue; and (c) to inform the U.S. public of "the true state of UFO reality." Teller also proposes that the majority of classified UFO documents should be declassified. In addition, Teller discusses the use of UFO technology integrated into the U.S. military's remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) program and maintaining an adequate defense against "UFO nuclear weapons."

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UFO Technology and the Imbalance of Power by Edward Teller, ~1980s (replica followed by original)

It is believed that this is a retyped Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) document that Bill Moore received. Although the focus of the controversy is around the Aquarius project, Paul Bennewitz, and the film that is discussed in the document, the comment about MJ - TWELVE is secondary and off hand to the whole teletype. There is an excellent 8 page write up from International UFO Reporter (IUR) about the authenticity of this document which can be downloaded from the Authentication section.

Aquarius Teletype, 17 November 1990

On January 30, 1996, Thomas Cantwheel wrote a two-page memo, which included a drawing of an unidentified aerodyne found July 5, 1947 south of Socorro, New Mexico by military and civilian members of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP). The memo begins: "The 'loaned' aircraft was acquired in 1945 from the Air Technical Services Command (ATSC, now AEDS, Air Force Systems Command). The 'S' aircraft was designed from an aerodyne recovered in 1941 that crashed in southeastern Missouri and the one captured in 1942 in Louisiana. Reconstruction commenced in 1945 with the assistance of German scientists at Wright Field. Propulsion programs tried to duplicate the atomic power plant found in the aerodyne captured in Louisiana and integrated the magnetic drive system developed by Tesla. Efforts to conceal the true nature of flight operations were successful in that the AF devised a cover intelligence project called Blue Book. In 1958, Project UFO and Moon Dust were activated when the USA Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit operations ceased and CIC responsibility for UFO security was transferred to USAFOSI."

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S-Aircraft Drawing and Memo by Thomas Cantwheel, 30 January 1996

Chronologically, this is the most recent document to cite the words TOP SECRET MAJESTIC. With hand written references to "Weird Desk and A51" this document provides a glimpse into the modern world of asset code names, and instant assignations for unauthorized disclosure. The document is rich with key phrases such as Project 'KOHTPOA,' MOD and KGB officials, Dreamland, Area 54 & 17, leaks by Teller, Sagan, China problems, and contacting '33' investors. Many of the details are checkable.


Source S-1 writes a memo entitled Unidentified Flying Objects, the CIA, and Congress. It opens with an interesting story of an interview with President Truman by the FBI and states: "he was asked the embarrassing question, did you authorize Operation Majestic 12? To which he replied "I never gave any thought about it after leaving office." He added, "it was not my intention when I set up the CIA would be injected into strange activities of that sort." He was upset when the subject was brought up and it was sensed that Mr. Truman was being coy and evasive."

The paper goes on to discuss congressional surveillance concerning the UFO issue, which came to a head in the Senate in early 1956. "The specific point at issue was whether Congress was to establish a standing Joint Committee on the CIA, similar to the joint Committee on Atomic Energy, to provide a fuller and continuing look at the United States UFO intelligence programs. The CIA's UFO intelligence budget is concealed within the budgets of various government departments, mainly that of the Defense Department. The average member of Congress has no more knowledge than the average citizen of annual expenditures or of the size and scope CIA UFO operations..."

"Ever since CIA was established, the director has been authorized, and in fact, directed to make complete disclosure of CIA UFO activities to special committees in both the Senate and House. The CIA is, at times, completely responsive to their questions, no matter how sensitive. For example, during the first 12 weeks as DCI, Admiral William F. Raborn was called to 17 meetings with these congressional committees. The legislative log for the year 1965 shows that the DCI or his senior (sic) aides met a total of 34 times with four special subcommittees." Additionally, there are three tabs attached to the paper that discuss arguments in favor of a joint UFO committee and arguments against it.

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Unidentified Flying Objects, The CIA, and Congress, Essay by Source S-1

This seven-page IMPORTANT letter starts "Please read everything I am about to tell you as the truth. I am not a prankster or a wacko. My reason for typing this letter is to give you the facts as I know them. I am what is called in the spy jargon a 'walk in.'" The memo is rich in detail, mentioning a whole slew of code words, TRINE, UMBRA, SACRED, JEHOVAH, MAJESTIC, ZODIAC, SPIRITUAL, ENVIRONMENT and MEDEA. The memo is hard to summarize because of its varied content, but it discusses the CIA role, UFO/EBE working groups, and historical events like the JFK assassination.

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Important Memo from Source S-1, 7 July 1999

Freedom of Information Act Documents
Of the thousands of pages of official documentation that have surfaced on the subject of UFOs under the terms of the U.S. Government’s Freedom of Information Act, references to the Roswell and New Mexico UFO crashes of 1947 are few and far between. But they do exist. One such example is an FBI Teletype of 8 July 1947.

On 10 July 1947, Brigadier General George F. Schulgen (Chief of the Requirements Intelligence Branch of Army Air Corps Intelligence) met with Special Agent S. W. Reynolds of the FBI with a view to determining if the Army Air Force could solicit the assistance of the Bureau on a regular basis in its investigation of the UFO mystery.

Declassified FBI memoranda shows that the Bureau had been monitoring the UFO subject on an ad hoc basis in the wake of the Kenneth Arnold sighting of 1947. It was this meeting between Schulgen and Reynolds that cemented the way for a short-lived liaison between the FBI and the military in the investigation of UFO reports.

Only forty-eight hours before this now-historic meeting took place, however, the FBI was briefly implicated in what is certainly the most-talked about UFO incident in history – Roswell.

On 8 July 1947, the FBI office at Dallas forwarded a 1-page teletype message to FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, concerning the events at Roswell. It is evident, however, that the FBI was in possession of only half the story. That "half" having been supplied sometime previously by Major Edwin M. Kirton (name deleted on the FBI record originally released in 1976) of Army Air Force Intelligence at Fort Worth, Texas.

According to the documentation released by the FBI, on the day in question Kirton contacted the FBI at Dallas and informed them that, yes, something "purporting to be a flying disc" had indeed been recovered at Roswell. The disc, said Kirton, was hexagonal in shape and was suspended from a 20-foot diameter balloon by a cable. Kirton further advised the FBI that the object resembled a high-altitude weather balloon with a radar reflector. A telephone conversation between Kirton’s office and Wright Field had not borne out this belief, however. Kirton informed the FBI that the material was being transported to Wright Field for examination and that he was passing the information on to the FBI because of "national interest" in the case and the fact that the Press was "attempting to break [the] story of [the] location of [the] disc today."

Kirton concluded his conversation by assuring the Bureau that the results of the study of the Roswell material would be forwarded to the FBI Field Office at Cincinnati. Interestingly and perhaps not surprisingly, no further documentation on this aspect of the Roswell affair has surfaced. If either FBI Headquarters or the Cincinnati Office were informed of the results of the examination of the Roswell debris, those papers have failed to surface via the FOIA. It is also of interest to note that, according to the INTERPLANETARY PHENOMENON UNIT SUMMARY of 9 July 1947: "…FBI interest was curtailed and access to stored craft at Los Alamos was denied upon request of Deputy COS Lt. General Collins."

This accords well with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s hand-written notes that appear at the foot of a 10 July 1947 FBI document pertaining to UFOs, in which Hoover writes: "…we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For instance in the La [Los Alamos?] case the Army grabbed it and would not let us have it for cursory examination."

Despite the relative lack of official FBI documentation in the public domain on the Roswell events, there are indications of deeper FBI knowledge on this matter:

On 5 December 1950, the FBI was informed by Army Intelligence at Richmond, that the military had "been put on immediate high alert for any data whatsoever concerning flying saucers." This was one day before, according to the MJ-12-Eisenhower Briefing Document, a UFO crashed at El Indio-Guerroro area of the Texas-Mexican border.

On 30 November 1988, an arranged meeting took place between representatives of the FBI and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations in Washington, D.C., to discuss the MJ-12 papers that were in the public domain at that time. The Air Force informed the Bureau that the papers were bogus. This is borne out by the fact that any requests to the FBI for information pertaining to MJ-12 will result in copies of the MJ-12 papers being dispatched to the requester with the word BOGUS written across them in heavy ink. The AFOSI has stated in response to FOIA requests that nothing was committed to paper on their part with respect to this meeting and they concede further that they undertook no investigation into the authenticity or otherwise of the MJ-12 papers, which begs an important question. How was the Air Force able to inform the FBI with confidence that the MJ-12 papers were “bogus” if they had conducted no investigation into their contents?

Two of the premier investigators of the Roswell crash – Stanton Friedman and William Moore (who co-wrote the book, The Roswell Incident, with Charles Berlitz) have been the subject of FBI investigations. In the case of Moore, by 1993 the FBI file on him was running at 61 pages, of which Moore was able to gain access to only six.

As all of the above information shows, the Roswell Incident and the FBI have at various times between intimately connected. How much more information pertaining to Roswell, MJ-12 and the many and varied investigators that have researched the case and that remains unseen outside of official circles is unknown at this time.

Roswell Teletype, 8 July 1947

Perhaps the most important document ever released in Canada is the Top Secret memo of November 21, 1951 from Wilbert B. Smith, senior radio engineer with the Canadian Department of Transportation. Smith was a highly respected employee, with a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering and several patents to his credit. The memo was sent to the Controller of Telecommunications and recommended that a research project be set up. "We believe that we are on the track of something which may well prove to be the introduction of a new technology," Smith wrote.

"The existence of a different technology is borne out by the investigations which are being carried on at the present time in relation to flying saucers." Smith goes on to state that:

a. The matter is the most highly classified subject in the United States government, rating higher than the H-bomb,
b. Flying saucers exist,
c. Their modus operandi is unknown but a concentrated effort is being made by a small group headed by Dr. Vannevar Bush, and
d. The entire matter is considered by the United States authorities to be of tremendous significance.

Here is an unarguable link between Vannevar Bush and UFO reverse-engineering which the Majestic documents describe.

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Wilbert B. Smith Memo, 21 November 1950 (original and replica)


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Wilbert Smith's original draft

This 30-page FOIA release of a formerly Top Secret "Project Silver Bug," developed at Wright-Patterson AFB, was made to Tim Cooper in October '97. All the "release information" is printed on the cover page for the reader to see. This "saucer" designed aircraft uses "gas turbine engines," a conventional power source. The report is a preliminary design document that includes sectional drawings, performance characteristics, weight breakdowns, control systems, and problem areas.

This 1955 report does, however, fit into another story relating to U.S. Air Force interest in testing saucer designs. According to a now retired AF Lt. Col., in 1954, while a 2nd Lt., he and a few other 2nd Lt.'s came across a table full of "wind tunnel test model saucers" while in a wind tunnel test building of Area "C," Wright-Patterson AFB. It is illogical to assume that USAF, as well as foreign militaries, do not have modern versions of this type of craft.

Some have argued that reported UFOs are U.S. government or even Nazi experimental craft. However, those arguments can't account for the extreme maneuverability and accelerations seen in UFO reports. The right angle turns, the over-the-horizon disappearances in seconds; no conventional power source could provide the performance characteristics described.

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Project Silver Bug, 15 February 1955

NOTE: These files are very similar to Canada's Project 1794, dated 2 April-30 May 1956

President Kennedy signed this declassified memo dated 12 November 1963. It is a National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) No. 271 directed to the administrator of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), James Webb. The subject matter is surprising, namely "Cooperation with U.S.S.R. on Outer Space Matters." It opens with, "I would like you to assume personally the initiative and central responsibility with the Government for the development of a program of substantive cooperation with the Soviet Union in the field of outer space, including the development of specific technical proposals. I assume that you will work closely with the Department of State and other Agencies as appropriate." It goes on to mention: "…broader cooperation between the United States and the U.S.S.R. in outer space, including cooperation in lunar landing programs. …In this connection the channel of contact developed by Dr. Dryden between NASA and the Soviet Academy of Sciences has been quite effective, and I believe we should continue…" This memo cross checks with a Top Secret memo of the same date that is part of the leaked Majestic documents cache (John F. Kennedy to CIA, November 1963) which states that with the joint cooperation efforts, make sure to explain in a credible way the impact of knowns (terrestrial aircraft), and unknowns (UFOs).

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President Kennedy: National Security Action Memorandum No. 271, 12 November 1963

This NASA document written in 1964 is titled "Concepts for Detection of Extraterrestrial Life" (NASA SP-56). This copy was released from the U.K. via Nick Redfern. Note the stamps on the cover that mention the University of Warwick and A. V. Roe & Co. Ltd. Weapons Research Div. Woodford, Wilkshire.

Concepts for Detection of ET Life, NASA, 1964

This FOIA response to Richard Hall dates 25, September 1980 clearly confirms the existence of the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit part of the Scientific and Technical Branch of the Counterintelligence Directorate was disestablished during the late 1950’s and allegedly never reactivated. Their files were surrendered to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI).

Col. William Guild FOIA Response to Richard Hall Re: IPU, 25 September 1980

This Top Secret UMBRA document, specifically Civil Action lawsuit No. 80-1562 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) versus the National Security Agency (NSA) clearly confirms deep and widespread government involvement with UFOs. This document was released and declassified as a result of a FOIA process and shows numerous blackout areas related to COMINT (communications intelligence) and SIGINT (signals intelligence). This in camera affidavit for Judge Eugene F. Yeates is simply a justification by the NSA to withhold the information that CAUS was seeking. Furthermore, the key agency or organization that performed the analysis and search is blacked out.

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Citizens Against UFO Secrecy vs. The National Security Agency In Camera Affidavit, 9 October 1980

This two-page memo is a response to William Steinman’s original memo of 18 May 1983 in which Steinman names nine scientists that took part in the 1948 UFO crash retrieval 12 miles Northeast of Aztec, New Mexico. Dr. Sarbacher, of the Washington Institute of Technology, confirms that John Von Neuman, Vannevar Bush, and Robert Oppenheimer were definitely involved. The letter goes on to state: "…certain materials reported to have come from flying saucer crashes were extremely light and very tough. I am sure our laboratories analyzed them very carefully… I remember in talking with some of the people at the office (Pentagon) that I got the impression these ‘aliens’ were constructed like certain insects we have observed on earth…" The reality of the Aztex crash is not well established.

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Dr. Robert Sarbacher to William Steinman Memo, 29 November 1983 (original & replica)

This letter dated May 16, 1984 from Lt. Col. Lance R. Cornie to William S. Steinman provides more official evidence that the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) did exist and that their records were transferred to the Air Force. The memo is suspicious in its categorical denials and claims based only on "institutional memory." For example, it states that "It was never a 'unit' in the military sense, nor was it ever formally organized or reportable, it had no investigative function, mission or authority and may not have had any formal records at all." Yet the unit "was formed as in-house project purely as an interest item of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence." Note that from 1941 to the late 50's when it was allegedly disestablished, there have been many Assistant COS-G2, most of which have been directly linked to the MJ-12 program, such as Stephen J. Chamberlain or George C. McDonald.

Steinman Letter Re: IPU, 16 May 1984

Project Moondust Files

Project MOON DUST was an operation to recover objects and debris from space vehicles that had survived re-entry from space to earth. However, there have been many rumors about the project which connected it to the UFO phenomenon. The following list of documents seem to confirm those rumors.


This 3-page document, titled Somaliland President Egal Speaks on Mysterious Bomb Blast, dates from January 1996 and concerns a series of "mysterious explosions" that had occurred in the same month and year in the eastern part of Somaliland. The report (that originated with the CIA and that was forwarded to the State Department, Defense Intelligence Agency and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base among others) states that in some quarters, the explosions had been attributed to UFOs. Interestingly, the document also states that the physical and mental health of both animals and people in the region had been adversely affected by whatever it was that had exploded. Symptoms included dementia, skin rashes, boils on the skin, aching stomachs, and skin shedding. The document states that the object that crashed or exploded was moving at supersonic speed, but due to the size and remoteness of the area, a search for debris had been unsuccessful. The reference to people having physical reactions is not unlike the references in the Majestic-12 1st Annual Report and the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit document about individuals having adverse (and fatal) reactions to an alien virus at the scene of a UFO crash site in 1947.

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Project Moondust: Somali Explosion, 25 January, 1996

A one-page Department of Defense document dated 18 January 1967 discusses a UFO incident at Agadir, Morocco, and again makes a clear and undeniable link between UFO studies and Project Moondust investigations. It states in part: "…this sighting demonstrates a high level of local interest in the subject of UFOs and presages future reporting which could be valuable in pursuit of Project MOON DUST."

Project Moondust: Agadir, Morocco, 18 January 1967

A one-page Department of Defense document dated 6 April 1967 and titled UFO Sighting at Kasba Tadla, Morocco makes a clear link between UFOs and Project Moondust. In part, the document states that: "…it indicates continued local interest in UFOs" and directly references Project Moondust as being relevant to the investigation.

Project Moondust: UFO Sighting at Kasba Tadla, Morocco, 6 April 1967

Additional documentation demonstrating a link between UFOs and Project Moondust comes via a package of 42 pages of documentation that were all released as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request to the State Department for files on Moondust. The first entry is titled Project Moondust and dates from November 1973 and concerns the recovery of what may have been Soviet satellite debris. However, also included in this 42-page package are: (a) documents on a 1978 discussion concerning the potential of having the United Nations undertake UFO investigations; (b) UFO sightings in Afghanistan; (c) a UFO encounter in Kuwait in 1980 that "shut down" the pumping system of a local oil pumping device; (d) the recovery of a spherical object in Buenos Aries in 1984; and (e) a 1984 report titled Unidentified Objects Observed on Radar Screen at Grantley Adams International Airport.

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Project Moondust: 42-Page Package, 18 November 1973

These 2 pages of documentation were forwarded to the State Department by the CIA and detail the crash of "an unidentified object" in Bolivian territory in May 1978. The object was reportedly 4 meters in diameter and Bolivian authorities had sealed off an area of 200 km around the crash site.

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Project Moondust: Santa Cruz, Bolivia Object Recovery, May 1978

In April of 2007, Air Intelligence Agency, part of the US Air Force through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) confirmed that in August 1979 a pair of weird spheres crashed near Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The documents not only verify what Ryan S. Wood has already revealed in his book Majic Eyes Only, but also provides additional intriguing details and references to "MOON DUST," the prominent governmental space debris and UFO retrieval program designed to locate, recover, and deliver descended foreign space vehicles back to Wright Patterson Foreign Technology Division headquarters for analysis and exploitation. According to several eye-witnesses, two "balls of fire" fell from the sky and softly landed in the cities of Santa Cruz and Cotoca on August 8th, 1979. The story behind these fallen objects is continuously growing with intensity and credibility. The spheres — almost identical in nature — were about "80 centimeters in diameter and ~2 meters in circumference with a hole in one side and a metal skin covering approximately one-half inch thickness… The spheres weighed about six kilograms with half-inch thick skin and the outside metal was similar to copper with dark and light spots …the plants near the objects were burned." First-hand witnesses mentioned in the official documentation of this incident include Colonel Ariel Coca, Campesino Gonzalo Menacho Viveras, and Nathaniel Mendez Hurtado. Most of the mystery associated with these incidents is in the practically impossible landing of these objects. The two objects were reported to be on fire, made a loud whistling sound and then exploded. However, "in the area where they’ve been found, there were no signs of the impact and it looks as though the spheres landed smoothly." How did the spheres negotiate a smooth landing? Certainly they are not terrestrial space debris. More mysterious yet, is the presence of a “silent aircraft” with three lights that appeared later the same evening, hovering above the explosion area. What was the craft doing? Who contracted it to be there and why? Was it an extraterrestrial craft or man-made? The incidents’ association with project MOON DUST intensifies these questions; what was the level of involvement of MOON DUST personnel and what did they hope to gain or hide in Bolivia? Where are the spheres today?

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Project Moondust: Santa Cruz, Bolivia, August 1979




MJ12: The FBI Connection Nick Redfern The purpose of this report is to relate the way in which the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) became involved in the investigation of the Majestic 12 documents in the late 1980s. The story is a strange and convoluted one and involves the surveillance of U.S. citizens and authors, liaisons with the Air Force (and possibly the CIA), and even allegations of Soviet intelligence links to the story. That the FBI has had involvement in the UFO subject is no secret: in 1976, the researcher (and author of the book The UFO-FBI Connection, 2000) Bruce Maccabee obtained via the Freedom of Information Act more than one thousand pages of UFOrelated files from the FBI that dated back to 1947; and since then additional files have surfaced on a variety of issues linked to the UFO controversy. But what of the FBI link to MJ12? The first person to publicly air the original batch of two MJ12 documents – the so-called Eisenhower Briefing Document and the Truman Memorandum – was the British author Timothy Good, who did so in May 1987 in his book Above Top Secret (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1987). Essentially, the first document is a 1952 briefing prepared by Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter for President-elect Eisenhower, informing him that a UFO and alien bodies had been recovered from the New Mexico desert in 1947. The second is a 1947 memorandum from President Harry Truman to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, authorizing the establishment of MJ12. Shortly after Good’s publication of the documents, additional copies surfaced in the USA via the research team of Stanton Friedman (a nuclear physicist), William Moore (the co-author of the book, The Roswell Incident (Granada Books, 1980) and Jaime Shandera (a television producer). Moore had been working quietly with a number of intelligence “insiders” who had contacted him shortly after publication of The Roswell Incident in 1980. From time to time various official-looking papers would be passed onto Moore, the implication being that someone in the U.S. Government, military or Intelligence Community wished to make available information on UFOs that would otherwise have remained forever outside of the public domain. It was as a result of Moore’s insider dealings that a roll of film negatives displaying the documents was delivered in the mail to the home of Shandera in December 1984. Moore, Friedman and Shandera worked carefully for two and a half years in an attempt to determine the authenticity of the documents. With Timothy Good’s release, however, it was decided that the best course of action was to follow suit. As a result, a huge controversy was created that continues on fifteen years later.


Majestic-12 group special operations manual - Top secret

Comments: There was a full page TOP SECRET/MAJIC caveat attached to each
of the 28 pages. To save space the full ìcaveat pageî is shown only once in the
introductory section.

Majestic 12 Part 1 of 1-  FBI VAULT
PDF document:


MJ12: The FBI Connection

MJ-12 [The MAJIC Projects].pdf

Part 1: Original Scorched Carbon of CIA Memo Links
Government UFO Cover-Up and JFK Assassination

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